
Read All About It! AMS News and Local Updates

Learning Center - AMS FulfillmentAMS Fulfillment has long been committed to uplifting the community in one manner or another. With its massive warehouses, kept busy with shipping and receiving, assembling, picking and packing consumer goods, AMS hires a large number of entry-level employees. Knowing there are many individuals who need employment but may not have the basic skills to enter the workforce, AMS has, for several years, offered training programs in a fully equipped classroom space within their headquarter facility.

During an interview with AMS CEO Ken Wiseman, the question was asked: How did the AMS focus on training begin? Ken revealed the origins of the partnership with College of the Canyons (COC), saying, “Several years ago I attended a Business Alliance meeting at the COC where we engaged in a discussion on how the college could help local businesses. I told the group that it had been difficult to be fully aware of all of their opportunities while also correlating the opportunities with the educational needs of AMS, and I asked if there were college representatives who could come out and meet with us to explore how the business and the college could work together. I called it giving them a ‘license to hunt’!”

Ken said that within a few days of that first meeting, a number of persons in senior leadership at COC arrived at AMS, and from that time forward, the business and the college have been working together to explore educational opportunities and funding initiatives. We now know that was the beginning of a groundbreaking partnership that is a model for other businesses and colleges. Courses were soon offered at AMS as the idea took on life.

It soon became apparent that AMS needed to designate a specific room for training and education, so the company moved forward to design and fully furnish a classroom space. Proud employees took part in naming the classroom the Advance My Skills Learning Center. The ‘classroom at work’ idea was successful from the very beginning due to its convenience for employees and members of the community. Today the AMS Learning Center is the hub of a great deal of beneficial activity with students learning at a college level right on the AMS campus… all at no cost to the student!

The first classes were established to teach the Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Green Belt course, which conveys a business management philosophy that is meant to improve the efficiency of a company. Soon after, AMS and COC began other courses: English as a Second Language, Microsoft Excel, Clerk Mentoring, and finally, a first of its kind Apprenticeship program; all of these in partnership with COC, and all classes open to the public as well as AMS employees.

Recently AMS added a 25-person computer lab as an additional learning center space. With regard to the computer lab, AMS CEO, Ken Wiseman indicated that the lab will soon be made available for lease to other SCV businesses and not-for-profit organizations. Ken said, “The computer lab is a great benefit, and nowadays a necessity in educational programs. Logistics is technology driven, and computers and hand-held devices are key to efficiency. Our classroom allows groups of employees to explore training and new technology updates together.”

The benefit of the classroom to the community was underlined recently when fifty top educators from around the state toured the AMS educational facility. One of the many conversations for Ken was with the head of Goodwill Southern California. They discussed additional partnership opportunities that will enable AMS to expand the promise of employment to even more individuals from communities that are underserved.

With the AMS facility available for lease, SCV community groups, other businesses, churches and organizations will have the opportunity to hold one-time events or ongoing classes in a well equipped, convenient and nearby location: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway in Valencia.

In advancing education and training opportunities, the community benefits, the company benefits, the social service organizations succeed, and the people who have been looking for a chance to prove what they can do for themselves and their families find that the door of opportunity is open.

We invite businesses, organizations and community groups to call us and arrange a tour of the Advance My Skills Learning Center. Please contact  AMS at 661-775-0611 for more information.

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Congratulations to the AMS Employees of the Month for January, 2017! We are very pleased to recognize Antwan T., Guadalupe G., Carlos M., Melanie M., Yesenia P., and Ciera A.

In the fulfillment industry, employees are much more than human resources. They directly serve the company’s clients and their daily efforts are vital to the growth and success of the business. AMS Fulfillment is a large company with a number of facilities and several hundred employees. One might assume that in such an expanded environment it’s difficult to notice individuals and their achievements. But AMS makes it a point to notice and care about the individual employees, their well-being, and their job satisfaction.

Each month the supervisors within AMS’ Valencia, CA facilities nominate an employee who has provided outstanding service to the clients. The nominations and supervisor comments demonstrate that the individual being recognized has gone above and beyond, and deserves Special Thanks!

AMS offers a resounding “Thank You” to the following Employees of the Month:

Antwan T., Account Support (2012)
HQ Administration: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Antwan is what we call an amazing “worker bee”. He has job duties that are extremely important to our business and he gets them done daily. We never have to worry about his job not getting done because he is so dedicated he will stay till every piece of work is finished. Antwan is Mike’s “right hand man”.  He is our quiet working machine in the Client Service Department.

Guadalupe G., General Warehouse (2013)
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Guadalupe is a great worker. She always helps out where needed, and is always on time. We appreciate her positive vibe and the way she is friendly with everyone. Guadalupe is responsible and takes her job seriously. She is fun, friendly and enthusiastic, respectful and nice. Guadalupe is now as “Lupita”… she is very productive and always focused on whatever task she may have. Always on time, willing to stay to get the job done, Guadalupe is there to help everyone.

Carlos M., General Warehouse (2007)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Carlos recently rejoined the SCO3 inventory/receiving team and has made a great impact. He has taken the lead on teaching the team how to be more organized and efficient. He has also been a great help with our recent physical inventories. It is great having Carlos as part of the team.

Melanie M., General Warehouse (2015)
WIL1: 28936 Avenue Williams

Melanie is a good employee who never hesitates to take on responsibility or hold a more responsible position. She is also ready to work beyond the call of duty in order to meet goals or to solve problems; even if the job in discussion is not one of the regular work assignments that she does. She quickly adjusts herself to a new environment and is always ready and willing to learn new things in order to perform at her best.

Yesenia P., Assistant Operations Manager (2005)
IND1: 28220 Industry Drive

What we normally see in Yesenia is long hours, complete understanding of the daily operation, and passion for this company and the clients she is responsible for. Yesenia has a winning mindset and is the individual the client services group calls upon for the critical business assignments. To add to Yesenia’s tool box is… TEAMWORK. For the past couple of months she has been focused on working together to make our team successful. She seeks out and shares information with the new team and continues to instruct the new management team on system and operational processes.

Ciera A., General Warehouse (2016)
WIT2: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Ciera has been a wonderful addition to our team. In the short time she has been here she has made an amazing impact on our overall productivity and accuracy. Ciera is always up for any challenge we have. Whether it is unloading containers, getting product labeled and prepped to ship, or floor loading trailers, Ciera has a positive attitude and always jumps right in doing whatever is needed. Her ‘can do’ attitude and drive to get tasks completed accurately and quickly both inspires and motives the team. We are lucky to have found someone as dedicated and driven as Ciera.

Whether these outstanding employees are part of the management team, client services, technology, accounting, fulfillment operations, facilities, the warehouse team, taking inventory, answering the phone, training people, making decisions, doing payroll… they are the reason that AMS succeeds so well and continues to grow.

Employees of the Month recognition is offered as a sincere Thank You from the AMS Fulfillment Family!

Feb employee of month

There’s something going on that the people in and near Santa Clarita Valley need to know about, as it is the very definition of a Great Opportunity! Due to the groundbreaking collaboration between College of the Canyons (COC) and AMS Fulfillment (AMS) there is increasing opportunity for the underserved workforce of individuals who need a good job but may not be experienced or well trained enough to get that job.

Late in 2016 SCV News reported on an innovative apprenticeship program that will offer students the opportunity to earn while they learn. In the news report, COC announced their partnership program with AMS, beginning in January 2017, in which 13 apprenticeships in warehousing and shipping would be offered. This innovative program is the first of its kind in California between a college and an employer.

Recently the collaboration took another step ahead. Fifty top educators from around the state were invited to attend a contract education conference at COC in order to discuss how community colleges can provide customized training for local companies. The group included representatives from Goodwill Southern California and representatives from the California Chancellors Office in Sacramento. The highlight of the conference was a tour of the AMS educational facility, led by AMS CEO, Ken Wiseman.

Wiseman introduced the educators to the classroom space at AMS, dedicated several years ago, and he gave a presentation on the successful efforts of AMS to utilize this educational space in cooperation with COC. He then responded to questions from around the state regarding AMS’ efforts to recruit and employ individuals from underserved populations and disadvantaged backgrounds.

Those in attendance were greatly impressed by the learning center, enjoying the quotes written on a wall by AMS employees who have benefitted from the educational programs. One of the attendees stated they had never seen a company, such as AMS, that provides workplace opportunities to those in need. During the event, Wiseman was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from COC for his support of the AMS/COC apprenticeship program.

One of the many beneficial conversations for Wiseman was with the head of Goodwill Southern California. They discussed additional partnership opportunities that will enable AMS to expand the promise of employment to additional underserved populations. Regarding the event and the opportunities being created, Wiseman said, “What people need to know is that someone believes in them. We do, and hopefully this program will help our apprentices believe in themselves.

Adrineh Terantonians, Director of Workforce & Career Development Operations at Goodwill, expressed enthusiasm about the opportunities ahead: “It was my honor and privilege to visit such an extraordinary organization and we are looking forward to working with them moving forward and celebrating their achievements.”

Terantonians went on the praise the AMS leadership: “AMS Fulfillment leaders Ken Wiseman and Jay Catlin are Champions of Change, as John Maxwell said ‘Everything rises and falls on leadership.’ AMS Fulfillment is empowering their employees, recognizing their efforts and truly enabling them by providing all the resources for advancement.”

The apprenticeship collaboration between AMS and COC is celebrated as a groundbreaking and successful effort, offering hope of many more partnerships in the future. The intention of the individuals involved has been clear and praiseworthy: to serve the community by offering both employment and job-related education.

Jeffrey Forrest, VP of Economic and Workforce Development at COC, sums it up well: “Ken Wiseman and the wonderful employees at AMS Fulfillment embody the true meaning of diversity, equity and inclusion. College of the Canyons is proud to serve as a partner with AMS Fulfillment in creating opportunities for members of the community, regardless of background. We salute the entire AMS Fulfillment family for their generosity, and look forward to a long and fruitful relationship.”



Congratulations to the December 2016 Employees of the Month! We are very pleased to recognize Idelfonso (Fonsie) I., Roxana M., Gloria J., Alex L., Preston F., and Josue M.

Every month, and especially after our busiest month of the year, it’s such a pleasure for supervisors to recognize a specific employee as having been outstanding. Our people are much more to us than human resources… we are the AMS family.

There are a number of AMS facilities, with over 300 employees, and one might think in such an environment it’s hard to create ‘family’ and give credit to individuals. But we have chosen a different route in growing to this size: from the beginning and to this day we value a close environment that takes note of and cares about the wellbeing of employees, and their job satisfaction.

The nominations and comments below demonstrate that the employee being recognized did an outstanding job during the month of December, and deserves to thanked for caring enough to go above and beyond.

Idelfonso (Fonsie) I. – Billing Coordinator (10/1/12)
HQ Office: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Over the last three months, Fonsie has taken a leadership role in working with freight vendors to resolve billing issues, has completed his monthly invoices by the 10th with few exceptions and has proactively played a major role in the efforts to streamline the invoicing process by pointing out areas that need improvement, taking on the project and following through to conclusion. Fonsie is a very important part of the billing team, and continually demonstrates a positive, “can do” attitude. He is always willing to lend a hand to his co-workers when needed. Thank you Fonsie!

Roxana M. – Data Entry/Returns Clerk (5/23/11)
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Roxana is a vital employee to all in her department. She takes initiative and accepts and carries out additional responsibilities. She has demonstrated a positive attitude to her teammates and always is the first to help others. Roxana does quality work in carrying out her job responsibilities and she takes a great deal of pride with her work. Roxana is professional in all she does. We are very proud to have her in HQ returns. She is an organized worker and a very positive person who keeps the returns team in good spirits by being helpful and professional at all times. She does her best to help anyone in need of help. We can always count on Roxana!

Gloria J. – Shipping Clerk (11/09/10)
IND1: 28220 Industry Drive

Gloria was a great big help in the 4th quarter push for shipping all of the orders. She played a huge part in researching inventory and finishing the orders. We appreciate her a great deal, as she is a very quick learner and is an important part of the team.

Alex L. – Shipping Lead (2/22/16)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Alex took his role as a shipping lead and ran with it. There are very few if any incomplete orders daily for our largest clients. He also pulls the big retail orders in record time and adheres to all the routing requirements. Alex never misses work and is always in a good mood when he is here at work. He’s an excellent employee.

Preston F. – Data Entry Clerk (7/26/12)
WIT2: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Preston is a great asset to the team, always resolving any issues with receivers with a great attitude, always on top of his duties and helping the team. He’s great at communicating, always going the extra mile to get an answer and finish on time. Preston has taken on more responsibility in the past few months. He does a great job in completing all daily tasks. He will also take on the lead receiving role when his lead is out. He is fun to work with and does not mind helping or teaching a new employee the ropes.

Josue M. – General Warehouse (7/12/16)
WIL1: 28936 Ave Williams

I nominate Josue because he is an excellent worker. He always shows up to work on time and ready to work with a positive attitude. When one of his co-workers is in need of help he is always willing to help. He is also willing to stay when needed and come into work early even if it is 4:00 am.

Our ‘Employee of the Month’ recognition is meant to convey a sincere Thank You to individuals in the AMS Fulfillment Family! Whether part of the management team, client services, technology, accounting, fulfillment operations, facilities, the warehouse team, taking inventory, answering the phone, training people, making decisions, doing payroll… you are the reason for our success and we Thank You!

It’s the Chinese New Year! According to this ancient culture’s zodiac, we’ve just ended the Year of the Red Fire Monkey. Everyone would agree that 2016 was an unusual year, and the Chinese zodiac forewarned us that the monkey would play a part. Being seen as a sometimes troublemaking, risky business, impetuous and a free-will animal, monkey has enjoyed himself all year. And now it’s that time again as the Fire Rooster is being celebrated! Chinese New Year 2017 has begun and will last until Feb 15, 2018.

Billions of people celebrate the Chinese New Year, and that has an impact on the fulfillment business. The New Year, with the Red Fire Rooster coming in, is recognized as a public holiday around the world. In China, school children get almost a month off, and universities even more. To measure the impact, we can compare 3.5 billion people traveling as part of the celebration to the 100 million that travel long distances during the Christmas holidays.

Exactly how does this global holiday affect the fulfillment business? First of all there is a tremendous amount of buying and selling as people wear new clothes, give gifts, clean their houses, and buy lots of decorations. Secondly, Chinese port operations are slowed, and this would include loading and barging schedules that would affect product availability. Many factories and businesses will shut down for at least a week, and this can be felt in a number of countries. And finally, traffic will be very congested, affecting freight moving to and from China.

When a celebration is this big, and this worldwide, an international product fulfillment company such as AMS Fulfillment will have taken take note of the dates and times, making sure that they are staffed and ready.

Readers might be wondering what the Fire Rooster brings. Well, we’ve seen the behavior of roosters, just as we’ve seen monkeys, so the following rooster traits might be expected. Rooster symbolizes confidence, as you might imagine, and it also symbolizes character traits such as pompousness, motivation, bluntness, honesty, loyalty, trustworthiness, and yes, the rooster has opinions. The Fire Rooster is expected to spend time perfecting his image, organizing and leading, bragging and seeking attention, and possibly being so blunt that he leaves hurt feelings in his wake.

With over 5,000 years of recorded history, China is one of the oldest cultures in the world. This Chinese New Year of the Fire Rooster is number 4,714. The dates change every year as the Chinese culture follows the lunar calendar. In 2017, the Chinese New Year lasts until February 11th, about 15 days in total.

As we pack boxes and ship gifts, AMS staff and management wish Happy Holidays to all who are celebrating this exciting and beautiful Global Festival.

Congratulations to AMS’ November 2016 Employees of the Month! We are very pleased to recognize Reyna G., Trinidad S., Ana M., Marjorie W., Abagail A., and Steven H.

AMS Fulfillment has several facilities located in Valencia, CA, and we employ several hundred people. Every month the supervisors at our facilities nominate individuals who are doing an outstanding job for the clients. One might think that with multiple facilities it would be hard to notice individuals and their achievements. But in the fulfillment industry, employees are much more than human resources… they are the reason for a company’s growth and success.

The months of November and December are especially busy for our company. This month the supervisors in our various facilities had a hard job nominating just one employee, as many did an exemplary job. With appreciation for all, they chose to thank individuals who, as the comments demonstrate, went above and beyond.

It’s our pleasure to recognize the following Employees of the Month:

Reyna G., Lead Operations (July 2011)
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Reyna has stepped up in the absence of her supervisor. She has taken the lead on her existing clients as well as taking on a new client. During the busiest time of year she took charge and was a big part of the success of Cyber Monday.

Trinidad S., General Warehouse (August 2016)
IND1: 28220 Industry Drive

Trinidad has a positive attitude and will step up to help and guide fellow employees when they have problems. During the Black Friday volume she went out of her way to assist and train new employees, lead the picking group by pushing more orders on 2nd shift, helped work on order problems and became the go to person when needed to find something.

Ana M., Clerk Shipping (November 2005)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Ana is an amazing person. She always has a great attitude. Everyone likes working with her. She is a great addition to the Receiving team. She took over the QC Supervision as she is a fast learner and completes all the assignments on time. Ana gets along with all the team and everyone is happy to work with her.

Marjorie W., Supervisor Receiving (August 2016)
WIT2: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Marjorie has quickly become an integral part of the team, stepping in and helping out where she can. She has learned many aspects of our operation and succeeded within them. Since taking over as the Inventory Control Supervisor, she has made significant improvements in receiving and also in communication with Client Services. Her enthusiasm and energy are contagious and help liven the mood of the warehouse.

Abigail A., General Warehouse (July 2015)
WIL: 28936 Ave Williams

Abigail is a hard worker. She always comes to work on time, ready to get the job done. She is willing to help others, and she steps in quickly when her co-workers are in need of help. Abigail pays attention to details and is a pleasure to work with.

Steven H., VP Business Integration (2004)
HQ Office: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Steven has consistently worked hard for AMS on whatever task may be at hand. Just recently he has stepped up to help with the upcoming warehouse sale. He takes on the tough jobs of collections, legal matters (such as a 5-year office sublease Agreement with a new client), client billing disputes and the off-boarding process that comes with client terminations. Recently Steven has taken on client billing and is working hard to enhance billing processes for service, storage and freight and is making a great impact in that area. We can expect more positive change in this area with Steven’s spirited focus on improvement. Big Thanks to him for his efforts in all areas, as often these contributions can go unnoticed in day-to-day business.

From the first day of operation our company has taken note of and cared about the individual employees, their wellbeing, and their job satisfaction. So it is with the spirit of family and the spirit of the holidays we offer a sincere Thank You! No matter which department or which task our outstanding employees are honored for, we know they are the reason that AMS succeeds so well and continues to grow.

On January 6th AMS CEO, Ken Wiseman, submitted his application for appointment to the position of City Councilman for the City of Santa Clarita. This is exciting news for the business community and for AMS. As Wiseman pointed out in his application, for some time he has been a guiding force behind AMS’ commendable hiring practices, which serve the community in significant ways.

In the application, Wiseman said, “AMS Fulfillment’s mission, to balance the needs of our Customers, Organization, Community, and Self, has set an example of how an organization can be an integral part of a community, utilizing our multitude of entry-level positions to help individuals from many parts of our community find entry and reentry into the workforce. We are unique as an organization in that we seek out challenged and motivated individuals, provide employability skills training and mentoring opportunities, and prepare these associates for higher paid jobs. We know full well that we will be preparing them for promotion opportunities, many of which will be outside of AMS. While this may seem foreign as a business strategy, we know that it provides AMS with a reputation in our community that will attract enthusiastic and motivated entry-level personnel who will take the job we offer and turn it into a career. We give people that start.”

The first, and perhaps most important question asked by the Council to all applicants is the reasons why they want to serve. Wiseman’s response revealed his passion for the community and his leadership skills, which are demonstrated by the hiring practices and educational opportunities at AMS that greatly benefit minority communities and individuals who face employment challenges. Wiseman’s passion for service has been an inspiration, providing real-world help to many of the more than 360 individuals who work at AMS.

He told the Council, “I have volunteered in numerous not-for-profit organizations with my longest volunteer role being as a member of the SCV Sheriff’s Search & Rescue Team for eleven years. As I reduce the time commitments in my professional career, I see that I will have more time to devote to my community.”

Some of the volunteer positions Wiseman has held include: Chair of the Mayor’s Committee for Employment of Individuals with Disabilities, Six years as president of the SCV Sheriff’s Foundation, 11 years on the Sheriff’s Search & Rescue Team, Board member of the SCVEDC and Member of the SCV Homeless Coalition. Wiseman was honored to receive recognition from The Signal as #1 most influential Business Leader in Santa Clarita Valley in 2016 in their listing of “Top 51 Business Leaders.”

One of the achievements of which Wiseman is most proud, is the groundbreaking educational effort AMS is making in alliance with College of the Canyons, in which AMS offers free classes to employees and the community within two dedicated AMS classroom spaces, one being a new 25-person computer lab. These classes are managed and taught by both AMS and the College personnel. Proudly, the course on English as a second language is going into its fourth semester with over thirty participants.

Wiseman concluded his application by saying, “This is my home, this is where I chose to have my business, and this is where I choose to give back to my community.”

We have seen in the past that Wiseman is determined and successful. His appreciation for the recreational areas, trails and natural environment are the concerns of all Santa Clarita residents, as are his concerns for people and families who need opportunities.

If you would like to meet the candidates for appointment to the Santa Clarita City Council, there will be a public forum, featuring the candidates, at the University Center at College of the Canyons, Valencia campus. It takes place on January 12 at 5 p.m.

The month of October is designated as “National Disabilities Employment Awareness Month.” During the month, educational and recognition events are encouraged in order to bring awareness to the problems of skills training and discrimination in the workplace affecting individuals with disabilities.

In recognition of these issues, AMS invited the Department of Rehabilitation staff, Ericka Diaz-Monreal and Lorenzo Po, to conduct the highly recommended Windmills training session on the AMS campus. This training took place on October 13th, with a group of nearly 20 AMS employees. The attendees reported how beneficial the training offered by Windmills is, especially for employees in the Lead or Supervisory positions who have direct contact with employees with disabilities.

The Department of Rehabilitation training is basically Diversity and Sensitivity training aimed at educating participants about myths and barriers in hiring persons with disabilities, and it also offers information on legal requirements and accommodations.

The Windmills Diversity Training, which is designed for employers and employees, takes up the task of educating supervisors and co-workers about the limitations that might be imposed on employees with disabilities due to a lack of knowledge or low expectations. The modules include exercises relevant to the everyday world of work, allowing participants to relate the training to the job. By doing this, trainees gain new perspectives on the unique talents and abilities of individuals with disabilities.

One of the most longstanding and successful efforts that AMS has made, has been in hiring individuals with disabilities. Some years ago AMS initiated a program with Pleasantview Industries which has as their mission providing employment opportunities to developmentally disabled adults. This program was very successful and AMS continues to work with the organization to this day.

AMS Fulfillment has a long history of social consciousness and community service in its hiring practices. Over the past few years the Santa Clarita Valley community has seen AMS develop a number of relationships in order to hire from underemployed groups. These groups include at-risk youth, the aging population, veterans, students, and even individuals at risk for homelessness.

The commitment of AMS to hiring individuals with disabilities can be seen in the company’s sponsorship of the Santa Clarita Valley Mayor’s Committee for Employment of Individuals with Disabilities Annual Luncheon where many local businesses, including AMS, are recognized for their demonstrated support. Ken Wiseman, AMS CEO, is Chairman of the Mayor’s Committee.

In job resources and in educational and training benefits to employees, AMS has proven that a successful corporation can serve not only its clients, but its community as well.


Right before the exciting and successful AMS holiday warehouse sale, our hometown station for the Santa Clarita Valley, KHTS Radio, interviewed AMS CEO Ken Wiseman. Curious about what a fulfillment company does, the interviewer asked some excellent questions. Ken explained what a 3rd party resource for warehouse management, aka Fulfillment Company, actually does.

ams-giving-1It’s impossible to not get into the giving spirit if you work for AMS!

With fulfillment in full swing, and the warehouse staff extremely busy shipping gifts, the AMS family can’t help but get into holiday giving.

Every year AMS employees and management show their care and respect for the community by distributing Thanksgiving meals and Christmas gifts. “We have such good vibes around the holidays,” says Jay Catlin, AMS President. “We know that the people with the best attitude get the best outcome in life, and that works for a company too. It’s what we’ve been doing for years, and we enjoy it immensely. This is the time of year when people are really there for each other like a family would be,” Jay said, “and the same holds true for the AMS family.”

For the past five years AMS has participated in the Santa Clarita Youth Activities League’s ‘Adopt a Family’ program. Officer Bryan Rooney of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Department runs the program and selects the families for both the Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations.

Betty-Lou Wiseman, Executive VP of Client Services at AMS, administers the company’s giving programs. Betty-Lou added her thoughts: “Over the years of working with and providing summer and after school employment for young people sponsored by the Sheriff’s Youth Foundation, we became sensitive to the fact that many of the families in our area do struggle during the holidays. The AMS family adoption has now become a tradition, and it helps all of us who participate to experience the true meaning of the holidays.”

For the Thanksgiving holiday giving, AMS partnered with Ralph’s Supermarkets in creating full Thanksgiving dinners to distribute to families in need. Invitations were sent to the families, and they came to the Youth Center where they received their gifts.

Christmas is an even more personal event for AMS employees. Officer Rooney gives AMS the family list and the employees who wish to participate personally purchase and wrap gifts for their chosen children and family members. During the Christmas holiday AMS partners with the Vallarta Supermarket, allowing employees to pre-purchase dinners in the form of coupons. Families that receive a coupon can go and pick up their freshly cooked Christmas meal at the supermarket.

When the time comes for the one-on-one gift distribution, AMS employees meet with the families at the Youth Center. Every year it becomes a joyful celebration for all – one of the favorite events shared by the AMS family.
In addition to a lot of hard work being Santa’s elves, in a sense, AMS employees share the happiness of the season with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Department, Officer Bryan Rooney, Ralph’s Supermarket, Vallarta Supermarket, lots of local families and plenty of little kids.

Happy Holidays to all as we join you in holiday giving!



Congratulations to the AMS Employees of the Month for October 2016! We are very grateful to and proud of Latanya T., Martha Z., Ramona H., Liliana M., Ruth M., and Ana R.

In the fulfillment industry, employees are much more than human resources. They directly serve the company’s clients and their daily efforts are vital to the growth and success of the business. AMS Fulfillment is a large company with a number of facilities and several hundred employees. One might assume that in such an expanded environment it’s difficult to notice individuals and their achievements. But AMS makes it a point to notice and care about the individual employees, their well-being, and their job satisfaction.

Each month the supervisors within AMS’ Valencia, CA facilities nominate an employee who has provided outstanding service to the clients. The nominations and supervisor comments demonstrate that the individual being recognized has gone above and beyond, and deserves Special Thanks!

It’s our pleasure to recognize the following Employees of the Month:

Latanya T., Account Manager (October 2010)
HQ Administration: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Latanya is a hard worker, dependable and someone who will always go the extra mile. She has learned so much in the past year and she is not afraid to learn new things. Her charisma and high spirit is a plus to get the job done. She is always open to help any team member at any point.

Martha Z., General Warehouse (November 2014)
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Martha is a hard worker and always gets the job done on time. She is quick to help others, very flexible and focused on the work at hand. Martha pushes others to get the job done and work hard as well. She is a team player and outgoing person and one who strives to do her best. We can always count on Martha to do her best and help anyone in any way possible.

Ramona H., General Warehouse (August 2010)
IND1: 28220 Industry Drive

Ramona is an excellent co-worker, and she is always on top of her tasks, getting everything done right while treating everyone respectfully. Ramona also has a great attitude. Her cooperation and willingness to help others is definitely an asset to AMS.

Liliana M., Manager (September 2002)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Liliana always strives to do her best for AMS and our clients. She has built a great team and it really shows. In her years of employment she has successfully streamlined our receiving process, allowing us to receive containers in 24 hours or less. This makes Liliana a true Super Star in our company.

Ruth M., Clerk (November 2011)
WIT2: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Ruth is an organized worker and a very positive person who keeps us all in good spirits. She is helpful and professional at all times. She’s one of the best people working for our client but more importantly AMS. Ruth deserves this nomination based on true merits of her work ethic and cheerful positive attitude. She does her best to help anyone in need of help and never asks for anything in return. AMS is grateful to have her because she is an exceptional worker who brings a positive, cheerful outlook to our AMS family. Ruth is strong and hardworking person who is organized, punctual and very professional.

Ana R., Supervisor (September 2015)
WIL1: 28936 Avenue Williams

Ana is a phenomenal employee and a huge asset to the WIL1 team. She has experienced and learned all of the processes for all the departments. Ana always shares her ideas with upper management to better the flow of operations. No matter what the task is, she gives 110% effort to make sure it is done accurately and efficiently.

Whether these outstanding employees are part of the management team, client services, technology, accounting, fulfillment operations, facilities, the warehouse team, taking inventory, answering the phone, training people, making decisions, doing payroll… they are the reason that AMS succeeds so well and continues to grow.

Employees of the Month recognition is offered as a sincere Thank You from the AMS Fulfillment Family!


AMS Fulfillment and College of the Canyons (COC) are making news once again by partnering in a program that benefits job-seekers and the Santa Clarita Valley community. Through its longstanding partnership with AMS, the College is able to pursue a state-approved apprenticeship program offering academic and on-the-job training in Logistics and Warehousing.

This innovative apprenticeship program will offer students the opportunity to earn while they learn. AMS and COC have demonstrated that a college and a corporation working together can serve the community and make a difference in the lives of people.

The following report is from

College Partners with AMS Fulfillment to Offer Apprenticeships

College of the Canyons is proud to announce during National Apprenticeship Week its partnership with Advantage Media Services (AMS) Fulfillment to offer 13 apprenticeships in warehousing and shipping, the first partnership of its kind in California.

Starting January 2017, the Canyons Apprenticeship Program (CAP) will give 13 select students the opportunity to earn money while they learn.

“We are grateful to AMS Fulfillment for their commitment to provide opportunities to 13 apprentices, which is a groundbreaking achievement,” said COC Chancellor Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook. “This commitment will also enable College of the Canyons to apply for the California Apprenticeship Initiative (CAI) Grant, which will pay for the entire costs of related instruction for all of the apprentices at AMS Fulfillment.”

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