
Read All About It! AMS News and Local Updates

The month of October is designated as “National Disabilities Employment Awareness Month.” During the month, educational and recognition events are encouraged in order to bring awareness to the problems of skills training and discrimination in the workplace affecting individuals with disabilities.

In recognition of these issues, AMS invited the Department of Rehabilitation staff, Ericka Diaz-Monreal and Lorenzo Po, to conduct the highly recommended Windmills training session on the AMS campus. This training took place on October 13th, with a group of nearly 20 AMS employees. The attendees reported how beneficial the training offered by Windmills is, especially for employees in the Lead or Supervisory positions who have direct contact with employees with disabilities.

The Department of Rehabilitation training is basically Diversity and Sensitivity training aimed at educating participants about myths and barriers in hiring persons with disabilities, and it also offers information on legal requirements and accommodations.

The Windmills Diversity Training, which is designed for employers and employees, takes up the task of educating supervisors and co-workers about the limitations that might be imposed on employees with disabilities due to a lack of knowledge or low expectations. The modules include exercises relevant to the everyday world of work, allowing participants to relate the training to the job. By doing this, trainees gain new perspectives on the unique talents and abilities of individuals with disabilities.

One of the most longstanding and successful efforts that AMS has made, has been in hiring individuals with disabilities. Some years ago AMS initiated a program with Pleasantview Industries which has as their mission providing employment opportunities to developmentally disabled adults. This program was very successful and AMS continues to work with the organization to this day.

AMS Fulfillment has a long history of social consciousness and community service in its hiring practices. Over the past few years the Santa Clarita Valley community has seen AMS develop a number of relationships in order to hire from underemployed groups. These groups include at-risk youth, the aging population, veterans, students, and even individuals at risk for homelessness.

The commitment of AMS to hiring individuals with disabilities can be seen in the company’s sponsorship of the Santa Clarita Valley Mayor’s Committee for Employment of Individuals with Disabilities Annual Luncheon where many local businesses, including AMS, are recognized for their demonstrated support. Ken Wiseman, AMS CEO, is Chairman of the Mayor’s Committee.

In job resources and in educational and training benefits to employees, AMS has proven that a successful corporation can serve not only its clients, but its community as well.


Right before the exciting and successful AMS holiday warehouse sale, our hometown station for the Santa Clarita Valley, KHTS Radio, interviewed AMS CEO Ken Wiseman. Curious about what a fulfillment company does, the interviewer asked some excellent questions. Ken explained what a 3rd party resource for warehouse management, aka Fulfillment Company, actually does.

ams-giving-1It’s impossible to not get into the giving spirit if you work for AMS!

With fulfillment in full swing, and the warehouse staff extremely busy shipping gifts, the AMS family can’t help but get into holiday giving.

Every year AMS employees and management show their care and respect for the community by distributing Thanksgiving meals and Christmas gifts. “We have such good vibes around the holidays,” says Jay Catlin, AMS President. “We know that the people with the best attitude get the best outcome in life, and that works for a company too. It’s what we’ve been doing for years, and we enjoy it immensely. This is the time of year when people are really there for each other like a family would be,” Jay said, “and the same holds true for the AMS family.”

For the past five years AMS has participated in the Santa Clarita Youth Activities League’s ‘Adopt a Family’ program. Officer Bryan Rooney of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Department runs the program and selects the families for both the Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations.

Betty-Lou Wiseman, Executive VP of Client Services at AMS, administers the company’s giving programs. Betty-Lou added her thoughts: “Over the years of working with and providing summer and after school employment for young people sponsored by the Sheriff’s Youth Foundation, we became sensitive to the fact that many of the families in our area do struggle during the holidays. The AMS family adoption has now become a tradition, and it helps all of us who participate to experience the true meaning of the holidays.”

For the Thanksgiving holiday giving, AMS partnered with Ralph’s Supermarkets in creating full Thanksgiving dinners to distribute to families in need. Invitations were sent to the families, and they came to the Youth Center where they received their gifts.

Christmas is an even more personal event for AMS employees. Officer Rooney gives AMS the family list and the employees who wish to participate personally purchase and wrap gifts for their chosen children and family members. During the Christmas holiday AMS partners with the Vallarta Supermarket, allowing employees to pre-purchase dinners in the form of coupons. Families that receive a coupon can go and pick up their freshly cooked Christmas meal at the supermarket.

When the time comes for the one-on-one gift distribution, AMS employees meet with the families at the Youth Center. Every year it becomes a joyful celebration for all – one of the favorite events shared by the AMS family.
In addition to a lot of hard work being Santa’s elves, in a sense, AMS employees share the happiness of the season with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Department, Officer Bryan Rooney, Ralph’s Supermarket, Vallarta Supermarket, lots of local families and plenty of little kids.

Happy Holidays to all as we join you in holiday giving!



Congratulations to the AMS Employees of the Month for October 2016! We are very grateful to and proud of Latanya T., Martha Z., Ramona H., Liliana M., Ruth M., and Ana R.

In the fulfillment industry, employees are much more than human resources. They directly serve the company’s clients and their daily efforts are vital to the growth and success of the business. AMS Fulfillment is a large company with a number of facilities and several hundred employees. One might assume that in such an expanded environment it’s difficult to notice individuals and their achievements. But AMS makes it a point to notice and care about the individual employees, their well-being, and their job satisfaction.

Each month the supervisors within AMS’ Valencia, CA facilities nominate an employee who has provided outstanding service to the clients. The nominations and supervisor comments demonstrate that the individual being recognized has gone above and beyond, and deserves Special Thanks!

It’s our pleasure to recognize the following Employees of the Month:

Latanya T., Account Manager (October 2010)
HQ Administration: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Latanya is a hard worker, dependable and someone who will always go the extra mile. She has learned so much in the past year and she is not afraid to learn new things. Her charisma and high spirit is a plus to get the job done. She is always open to help any team member at any point.

Martha Z., General Warehouse (November 2014)
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Martha is a hard worker and always gets the job done on time. She is quick to help others, very flexible and focused on the work at hand. Martha pushes others to get the job done and work hard as well. She is a team player and outgoing person and one who strives to do her best. We can always count on Martha to do her best and help anyone in any way possible.

Ramona H., General Warehouse (August 2010)
IND1: 28220 Industry Drive

Ramona is an excellent co-worker, and she is always on top of her tasks, getting everything done right while treating everyone respectfully. Ramona also has a great attitude. Her cooperation and willingness to help others is definitely an asset to AMS.

Liliana M., Manager (September 2002)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Liliana always strives to do her best for AMS and our clients. She has built a great team and it really shows. In her years of employment she has successfully streamlined our receiving process, allowing us to receive containers in 24 hours or less. This makes Liliana a true Super Star in our company.

Ruth M., Clerk (November 2011)
WIT2: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Ruth is an organized worker and a very positive person who keeps us all in good spirits. She is helpful and professional at all times. She’s one of the best people working for our client but more importantly AMS. Ruth deserves this nomination based on true merits of her work ethic and cheerful positive attitude. She does her best to help anyone in need of help and never asks for anything in return. AMS is grateful to have her because she is an exceptional worker who brings a positive, cheerful outlook to our AMS family. Ruth is strong and hardworking person who is organized, punctual and very professional.

Ana R., Supervisor (September 2015)
WIL1: 28936 Avenue Williams

Ana is a phenomenal employee and a huge asset to the WIL1 team. She has experienced and learned all of the processes for all the departments. Ana always shares her ideas with upper management to better the flow of operations. No matter what the task is, she gives 110% effort to make sure it is done accurately and efficiently.

Whether these outstanding employees are part of the management team, client services, technology, accounting, fulfillment operations, facilities, the warehouse team, taking inventory, answering the phone, training people, making decisions, doing payroll… they are the reason that AMS succeeds so well and continues to grow.

Employees of the Month recognition is offered as a sincere Thank You from the AMS Fulfillment Family!


AMS Fulfillment and College of the Canyons (COC) are making news once again by partnering in a program that benefits job-seekers and the Santa Clarita Valley community. Through its longstanding partnership with AMS, the College is able to pursue a state-approved apprenticeship program offering academic and on-the-job training in Logistics and Warehousing.

This innovative apprenticeship program will offer students the opportunity to earn while they learn. AMS and COC have demonstrated that a college and a corporation working together can serve the community and make a difference in the lives of people.

The following report is from

College Partners with AMS Fulfillment to Offer Apprenticeships

College of the Canyons is proud to announce during National Apprenticeship Week its partnership with Advantage Media Services (AMS) Fulfillment to offer 13 apprenticeships in warehousing and shipping, the first partnership of its kind in California.

Starting January 2017, the Canyons Apprenticeship Program (CAP) will give 13 select students the opportunity to earn money while they learn.

“We are grateful to AMS Fulfillment for their commitment to provide opportunities to 13 apprentices, which is a groundbreaking achievement,” said COC Chancellor Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook. “This commitment will also enable College of the Canyons to apply for the California Apprenticeship Initiative (CAI) Grant, which will pay for the entire costs of related instruction for all of the apprentices at AMS Fulfillment.”

Read More:

Over the years some very innovative initiatives have been undertaken between College of the Canyons (COC) and AMS Fulfillment, and a new program is in the works. For the past two years AMS has been working in partnership with COC in an effort to provide free access to education for its employees. In this arrangement, AMS provides the classroom space, and COC provides the curriculum, instructors, materials and registration.

Ongoing COC adult education courses offered at AMS include English as a Second Language, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, and Beginner Microsoft Excel classes, with General Education Diploma (GED) and Citizenship courses in the works. In addition to these adult education classes, AMS and COC have announced that they will be partnering in a new program with on-the-job training that has a proven record of success in the workplace: Apprenticeship.

In 2011, the US Department of Labor created an initiative called Apprenticeship USA to address a problem of in-demand jobs and an untrained workforce. In this program, apprentices will learn a new skill, within their community. Here’s how it works: An apprentice receives on-the-job training (OJT) as an employee with a local business which allows them to earn an income while gaining new skills. In addition, they participate in a college education program focused on that skill.

Apprenticeship is not a new idea – it has been seen as tried and true for a long time. Since the 1930s there has been a tradition of apprenticeship in the building construction industry and in craft unions. Within the plumbing, carpentry, ironworkers and elevator constructors unions, and in other skilled labor unions, apprenticeship is the way people gain employment and training.

The new Department of Labor initiative makes it clear that skilled employees are also needed in many non-union jobs, and an apprenticeship model can work well to fill the needs in those industries.

The apprenticeship program offered by COC is meant to do exactly that. Their program focuses on skills needed in the areas of Information Systems, Advanced Manufacturing and Healthcare, as there are critical employment deficits in these industries and others as well. For example, COC is preparing to offer registered apprenticeships in nearly a dozen occupations related to Advanced Manufacturing.

COC and AMS Fulfillment have been working to design a program in response to the employment needs of the company, which are Logistics and Warehousing. Through this partnership, COC is able to pursue a state-approved apprenticeship program with a projected start date of January 2017.

According to Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook, Chancellor of College of the Canyons, this apprenticeship program with AMS Fulfillment will result in several “firsts” for the company:

  • The first company in the Santa Clarita Valley to partner with a Community College to create an apprenticeship program;
  • The first company in the State of California to offer an apprenticeship program specializing in warehousing and shipping;
  • The first company in the United States to apply for a registered apprenticeship with the Department of Labor in the area of warehousing and shipping.

Dr. Van Hook goes on to say, “We are proud to be a partner with AMS Fulfillment in bringing needed skills to underserved populations within our community.”

AMS Fulfillment is known for creating jobs and opportunities for those in need. When asked about the apprenticeship program, Ken Wiseman, CEO of AMS, expressed the company’s goals: “At AMS we are fortunate that we can offer many entry level jobs each year to individuals seeking employment. With this new Apprentice program, we will take 13-individuals and give them a chance to take their logistics job, and turn it into a career. That’s a big opportunity, and one that is enabled through the partnership efforts of College of the Canyons, AMS Fulfillment, and both Federal and State programs that support this initiative.”

This is an example of how a corporation and a college can work together to make a difference in the lives of people regardless of their past. AMS and COC will continue to strive for excellence in serving the clients, the students and the people of Santa Clarita for years to come…stay tuned.

One of the reasons that employees are dedicated and happy working for a company is the health insurance coverage that they receive as a part of their total compensation package. Great health insurance coverage with a low deductible has been considered key to attracting and retaining great employees. Unfortunately, the low deductible is becoming a thing of the past for an increasing number of workers.

Since 2011 health insurance premiums have increased 20% on top of even greater increases in the prior years. With health insurance premiums continuously rising, employers find it difficult to provide the coverage they would like to provide.

As employers are faced with the rising premiums, many have found it necessary to pass on health care costs to the workers. The most common way is to increase deductibles and other forms of cost sharing. Knowing that an increase in the deductible can be burdensome to many of their employees, companies, while reluctant to make that change, do so when they see it as their best or only choice.

Another means of lowering the cost of premiums is to reduce the coverage. But businesses that put a high priority on attracting and retaining their employees will make other adaptations in an effort to avoid reducing coverage. Some will take on the option of lowering costs by incorporating wellness programs, doing annual health risk assessments, and finding ways of assisting employees who are managing a chronic illness.

Knowing that the rising cost of health insurance has put so many businesses in a quandary, we requested an interview with two executives of AMS Fulfillment, Louise Aldrich, VP of Finance and Betty Lou Wiseman, Executive VP of Client Services. Like any other company AMS is paying higher premiums, but unlike many others, this company has not wavered on the commitment to provide affordable health insurance to all of their employees.

Betty Lou Wiseman began by offering the following: “Since 2005, AMS has maintained a Cafeteria Section 125 plan. This plan allows employees to pay their contribution for medical premiums with pre-tax dollars. Using pre-tax dollars further reduces the cost of employees’ medical, dental and vision insurance. On average employees will save 28 cents on every dollar they spend.”

Louise Aldrich went on to explain that AMS considers dental and vision coverage very important for employees as it pays for services that are extremely costly without insurance. Louise said, “AMS recently added a Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA’s) plan where employees may set aside, on a pre-tax basis, a set amount of money per year. These FSA savings may be used for paying eligible medical, dependent care, or transportation expenses.”

Betty Lou and Louise made it very clear that because of the company’s strong commitment to employees, AMS has held firm with their employee contribution percentages, even though, throughout the years, the cost to AMS has been steadily increasing. Every year AMS tasks their insurance brokers to provide the lowest, most competitive rates available in the marketplace while preserving coverage. With a steadfast commitment to employees, and management that is creative in problem solving, AMS does stand out as a very good company to work for.

“Our employees are the reason for our success,” Betty Lou said. “In the fulfillment business, employees are the greatest asset. We consider it vital to keep our commitment to employees by providing quality health insurance at the lowest possible cost to their pocketbook.”

piccollageCongratulations to the AMS Employees of the Month for September 2016! We are very pleased and proud to recognize Jessica G., Juan G., Araceli S., Ruben R., Bobby A., and Esperanza E.

AMS Fulfillment is located in Valencia, CA, City of Santa Clarita. We are a large fulfillment company with several facilities and several hundred employees. Every month the supervisors at our facilities nominate individuals who are doing an outstanding job for the clients. One might think that with multiple facilities it would be hard to notice individuals and their achievements. But in the fulfillment industry, employees are much more than human resources… they are the reason for a company’s growth and success. These nominations and supervisor comments demonstrate that the individual being recognized has not only been noticed, but has gone above and beyond!

It’s our pleasure to recognize the following Employees of the Month for September, 2016:

Jessica G., Account Support (August 2015)
HQ Office: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Jessica has been working on the Customer Service team for a short time but produces work like she has been in the department forever. She works well with her team and is truly a team player. She is like a sponge absorbing the different tasks that are put on her plate, and she makes sure all of her work is done before leaving at the end of the day. Jessica is someone who came up through the ranks of the company, first working in the warehouse on a program. In that position she became the communication conduit for many of the employees in the warehouse as they recognized her ability to communicate. I am so happy that she responded to the job posting. She is truly someone who will continue to move up here at AMS.

Juan G., General Warehouse (April 2015)
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Juan is a team player! He’s always available and willing to help out even if that means coming in on weekends. He has a strong work ethic and it’s time for him to be recognized. Juan keeps on top of his job and makes his work area clean.

Araceli S., Shipping Clerk (July 2015)
IND1: 28220 Industry Drive

Araceli completes every task she is given. She comes in to work with a good attitude and when someone has a question or if they need help with something she always tries her best to answer their question or help where they need help.

Ruben R., Receiving Lead (December 2007)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Ruben has been a great lead for the receiving department. He is an organizer and plans for shipments ahead of time with excellent results, always helping the team members become more efficient. He is ready to help in any project you put him on, and he gets along with everyone.

Bobby A., Receiving Lead (August 2015)
WIT2: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Bobby is a diligent worker with great attention to detail. He has been exemplary in his work ethic and ability to lead and train his team. He always brings ideas to the table and is willing to help others. Bobby is a valuable asset to AMS.

Esperanza E., Supervisor (June 2014)
WIL: 28936 Ave Williams

Esperanza is a phenomenal employee. She goes above and beyond to get the job done and gives 110% effort in every job or task. She takes on a lot more responsibility with no problem, providing great customer service to all drivers and deliveries. Esperanza is always willing to teach and mentor employees in order to help them succeed.

From the first day of operation our company has nurtured a family environment, taking note of and caring about the individual employees, their well-being, and their job satisfaction. So it is with the spirit of Family we offer a sincere Thank You! No matter which department or which task our outstanding employees are honored for, we know they are the reason that AMS succeeds so well and continues to grow.

Lunch meeting - AMS FulfillmentAMS Fulfillment has nurtured a corporate culture that gives priority not only to client success, but to employee satisfaction as well. The wisdom of the ‘AMS Family’ culture is apparent in that satisfied and well-trained employees perform at a higher level. Everyone benefits, including AMS clients.

For the past few years AMS has offered education programs for employees, making it convenient for them to learn at a college level right on the AMS campus, at no charge. Now AMS has added to this educational benefit a Clerk Mentoring Program for those who wish to advance within the company.

AMS Clerks perform a number of tasks related to receiving, inventory, shipping, and returns. Returns clerks are responsible for processing daily returns of product as they count, sort, check-in and control defective inventory. Inventory clerks coordinate inventory in accordance with operating procedures. Receiving Clerks count, sort, and weigh all inbound shipments, verifying the receipt in accordance with procedures of AMS and of the clients. and Shipping Clerks process orders from the pick pack team through the item verification and selection of shipping process. As you can see, the AMS Clerks shoulder a lot of responsibility and serve very vital functions.

According to Scott Tsunoda, Talent Acquisition and Development Manager at AMS, the company has established the Clerk Mentoring Program in order to identify high performing clerks and offer them the opportunity to step into leadership roles, mentoring general warehouse employees who wish to be hired as clerks when positions become available.

When asked for more details, Tsunoda said, “Mentors offer guidance, but they do not take on the role of supervisor. Their role is to help in the learning experience. We have a number of programs that encourage employees to advance their skills and contribute their ideas as to how the company can improve. Many good ideas have come from our employees, and we have enjoyed significant benefits from the educational opportunities we offer to those who work here.”

Tsunoda went on to talk more about the benefits of mentoring and the relationships that develop. He pointed out that mentoring increases the transfer of knowledge as opposed to simple training, it develops skills in the mentor as they learn how to teach, it increases teamwork, and improves employee retention.

AMS is delighted to add Clerk Mentoring to already existing educational programs and on-the-job training in cooperation with Santa Clarita’s College of the Canyons. AMS employees can attend college classes in their very own classroom, the “Advance My Skills Learning Center,” on the AMS campus. Some of the classes offered include English as a Second Language, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Course, and Beginner Microsoft Excel classes. AMS has plans to offer GED and Citizenship courses as well.

More information on AMS educational opportunities can be found in these articles: On the Job Training: a Big Win for All, and AMS Fulfillment Invests in Employees.

Employees of the Month - AMS FulfillmentCongratulations to the AMS Employees of the Month for August 2016! We are very pleased and proud to recognize Ruth M., Teresa G., Mayra A., Erika L., Jeremy C., and Jose D.

AMS is a large fulfillment company with a number of facilities and several hundred employees. All of our facilities are in Valencia, CA, city of Santa Clarita. One might think that in such an expansive environment it’s hard to notice individuals and their achievements. But in the fulfillment industry, employees are much more than human resources… they are the reason for a company’s growth and success. From the beginning and to this day we value a family environment that takes note of and cares about the individual employees, their well-being, and their job satisfaction.

Each month the supervisors in our various facilities nominate an employee who has provided outstanding service to the AMS Clients. The nominations and supervisor comments demonstrate that the individual being recognized has gone above and beyond, and deserves Special Thanks!

It’s our pleasure to recognize the following Employees of the Month:

Ruth M., Account Manager (December 2011)
HQ Administration: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Ruth has been doing an amazing job for AMS. She is always available if anyone needs help, not just offering help to members of her team but to anyone. She consistently takes a proactive approach with fulfillment operations and clients. As an Account Manager she is the one making sure that the clients are taken care of each day. She is a team player and always stays busy. Her dedication to what she does is noticeable and clients love working with her.

Teresa G., Clerk (March 2015)
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Teresa is a wonderful worker and very dedicated to her job. She never complains, is respectful to everyone, is an excellent team player, and always goes the extra mile to get her job done. She’s a great example person, helping her peers and client services, answering emails and working successfully with all departments. Teresa is the backbone of the returns department: our ‘go to’ person, helpful and knowledgeable. She takes on many responsibilities and if I run into a problem, Teresa is the first person I would ask because of her extensive knowledge.

Mayra A., Lead (July 2011)
IND1: 28220 Industry Drive

Mayra has a great attitude and capacity to work under pressure, handling a number of tasks. She is always working hard in order to complete her tasks on time, which is very important in our industry. We really appreciate having Mayra on the team.

Erika L., Lead (November 2011)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Erika has been a fantastic addition to my shipping team since she obtained the rank of shipping lead. She has inspired our team to reach new goals set before them as well as being a leader by coming to work on the weekends and always working overtime when needed. She has also taken over two clients when her supervisor is not in, without an issue. Shipping lead seems to be Second Nature to her.

Jeremy C., Assistant Operations Manager (November 2015)
WIT1: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Jeremy has been extremely busy, twenty times more than normal, and has done a phenomenal job keeping up with the workload (incoming/outgoing). He meets all of his deadlines. In addition he has put in long hours to make sure he stays on top of it. Great effort and attention to detail!

Jose D., Lead (July 2007)
WIL1: 28936 Avenue Williams

Jose has demonstrated that he is completely capable in helping with a number of different clients. He has helped tremendously at the WIL1 facility. Jose is always willing to help others and goes the extra mile on what he is doing. He likes teaching others and also gives ideas if he sees something that can be done better. We very much enjoy working with Jose.

Whether these outstanding employees are part of the management team, client services, technology, accounting, fulfillment operations, facilities, the warehouse team, taking inventory, answering the phone, training people, making decisions, doing payroll… they are the reason that AMS succeeds so well and continues to grow.

Employees of the Month recognition is meant to be a sincere Thank You from the AMS Fulfillment Family!

image003Congratulations to the AMS Fulfillment Employees of the Month for July 2016! We are very pleased and proud to recognize Angie B., Mariana M., Natalio M., Jackeline G., Zachary D. and Colli F.

Every month the supervisors in our various facilities nominate a team member who has provided outstanding service to the AMS clients. The nominations and comments demonstrate that the individual being recognized deserves to be thanked and appreciated for not only doing a job well, but for caring enough to go above and beyond. Nominations are listed according to the facility that the employee represents. All of the AMS facilities are located in Valencia, CA, city of Santa Clarita.

It is a pleasure to recognize the following Employees:

Angie B., Account Manager (October 2012)
HQ Office: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Angie is always on time and ready to work. She has an amazing attitude toward work and is real go-getter, always willing to help operations in any way that she can. Angie is a great example of what account managers should strive to be like.

Mariana M., Shipping Lead (September 2002)
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Mariana is an excellent employee, willing to take on responsibility in the shipping area. She is also a great communicator and good person. Mariana is professional in any job that she does, and she works very hard and very fast.

Natalio M., Janitorial (October 2004)
IND1: 28220 Industry Drive

Natalio is a really great worker. He is always helpful and maintains a clean warehouse. He is always checking with people to see if he can help and asks the question, “Do you feel the warehouse is a clean safe environment?” He takes care of all of our recycling needs, and he cares about our warehouse.

Jackeline G., General Warehouse (March 2014)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Jackie is one of the hardest working employees in SCO3. She is cross-trained in every department, such as receiving, returns, scanning and shipping. She never minds helping out in any department that needs help. Jackie is very dedicated to doing a good job and is always wanting to improve her skills by enrolling in any of the classes that are offered by AMS, such as ESL and Excel. She was awarded top student the first round of the ESL class. Jackie is truly a pleasure to have on our team.

Zachary D., General Warehouse (June 2016)
WIT2: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Zachary is very helpful; always there when you need help. He is a team player, always assisting with any task that is asked of him. He has very good people skills and is helpful to the fullest. Zachary is a hard worker.

Colli F., Coordinator (July 2015)
WIL: 28936 Ave Williams

Colli is always on time and is willing to help others when he finishes his tasks. He is a hard worker, who is careful and accurate when picking and dealing with multiple sku’s.

The AMS employees are much more to us than human resources… together we are the AMS family. We are a large company with many employees, and one might think in such an environment it’s hard to notice and give credit to individuals. But we have chosen a different route in growing to this size: from the beginning and to this day we value a close environment that takes note of and cares about the people who work here, their wellbeing, and their job satisfaction.

Our employees are the reason for our success. Employees of the Month recognition is meant to be a sincere Thank You from the AMS Fulfillment Family!

EOM CollageCongratulations to the AMS Employees of the Month for May 2016! We are very pleased and proud to recognize Sergio S., Silvia S., Lorenzo G., Jonathan E., Silvia M. and Cynthia M.

AMS is a large fulfillment company with a lot of employees, and one might think in such an environment it’s hard to notice and give credit to individuals. But we have chosen a different route in growing to this size: from the beginning and to this day we value a close environment that takes note of and cares about the individual employees, their wellbeing, and their job satisfaction. That’s why it’s such a pleasure to recognize “Employees of the Month”. Our people are much more to us than human resources… we are the AMS family.

We have a number of facilities, and every month we receive nominations from each facility. All facilities are in Valencia, CA. The nominations and comments demonstrate that the individual being recognized has done an outstanding job during the month, and deserves to thanked and appreciated for not only doing a job well, but for caring enough to go above and beyond.

Sergio S., Assistant Account Manager, (July 2015)
HQ Office: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Sergio is a dedicated hard worker who has performed very well. He is such a great guy with a great attitude. Sergio has shown incredible growth, he is a fast learner, takes ownership of his tasks and is a team player always willing to help. He has expressed interest in growing within AMS and he shows it with his hard work and dedication, taking on responsibility and working well with the entire team. “It is great to have him as part of our team.” “Thanks for all your hard work Sergio!”

Silvia S., Shipping Lead (January 2004)
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Silvia is a very hard working person and is always at work every day. She is a very dedicated employee, always on point, and knows everything there is to know about the client she’s serving. She takes on a large workload and still finds ways to help others as much as she can. She always stays busy and is cross-trained on multiple clients. Silvia has a strong sense of pride in the job she has done for AMS for more than 10 years. She is very reliable and we can count on her to question things, making sure the job is done smoothly and correctly.

Lorenzo G., Supervisor (April 2015)
IND1: 28220 Industry Drive

Lorenzo always is at work on time with a good vibe and smile on his face. Nothing can affect his mood and he is always willing to help everybody. He is one of the youngest supervisors at AMS, and he has shown himself to be capable in handling the responsibilities given to him. He’s learning and improving daily and is someone you can truly count on.

Jonathan E., General Warehouse (February 2016)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Jonathan has dedicated himself to the position of Lead Operations and has become very good at it. He always has a great attention to detail and is always here on time. Jonathan is a great worker and has learned fast, doing a great job for the client’s team. His amount of work in a very short period of time is impressive. “Jonathan is our fastest B2C Picker.” He is here always on time, gets along well with his co-workers and is willing to work at other buildings and in other departments.

Silvia M., Clerk Level 1 (December 2015)
WIT2: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Silvia is always greeting others with a smile and is eager to help in any way. During our safety walks she always asks how the walk went and wants to assist in any way. Silvia is a team player and wants to perform at the highest level as she works to continue to learn the business and excel to the best of her ability. Sylvia is deserving of this nomination because she is a very hard worker, excellent with instructions and goes the extra mile.

Cynthia M., Receiving Clerk (May 2015)
Will: 28936 Ave Williams

Cynthia is doing a great job shipping orders, communicating with Client Service and Data Entry. If she doesn’t know how to do something or how to process an order she always asks. When she finds the answer she always passes the information to other employees so that they know for future reference. She always has a good attitude and never complains if things change. Cynthia has a good relationship and respect for other employees at all times. “She always says Good Morning with a smile.”

Employees of the Month recognition is meant to be a sincere Thank You from the AMS Fulfillment Family! Whether part of the management team, client services, technology, accounting, fulfillment operations, facilities, the warehouse team, taking inventory, answering the phone, training people, making decisions, doing payroll… you are the reason for our success and we Thank You!