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Read All About It! AMS News and Local Updates

culture - AMS FulfillmentSometimes, when paying attention to the ‘commemorative days’ in the calendar, we come across a very good idea arising at exactly the right time! On September 6th, this Friday, we are reminded to put Food on the Food Bank Shelves. Why now? The holidays are coming!!

As we enter September, we begin to think about the upcoming holiday season. Our holidays are times when food must be on everyone’s table. We want everyone to be well fed at all times of course, but our hearts go out to respond to needs even more during the holidays.

National Food Bank Day

According to Google, the 6th of September is National Food Bank Day. “National Food Bank Day on the first Friday in September encourages you to commit to contributing to the cause that believes no one should go to bed hungry.”

We certainly share in that belief, and we’re confident that the AMS Activities Committee is gearing up for our annual food bank drives, benefitting the communities in which we exist. AMS has supported local food banks for years, even delivering meals to families on Thanksgiving. Readers can expect a report on our food bank drives in the weeks to come, with appreciation for the hard-working and dedicated volunteers in our Activities Committee!!

At National Today [LINK] we read the following: “Hunger is a continuing problem in our global community and National Food Bank Day is a reminder to others that no one should go to bed hungry. Food banks provide food to the poor with the help of volunteers and social workers. They also promote tools for self-sufficiency. This day is to honor those workers, volunteers, and food bank charities who work in this regard.”

History of the Commemoration

The following history is from National Today: “St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance is a nonprofit, nonsectarian organization that was founded by John van Hengel in 1967. Van Hegel was looking for a way to prevent the wastage of groceries and eventually came up with the idea of redistributing any food that was not eaten to the hungry. St Mary’s was the first organization to operate using the food bank model. It is considered the first food bank, making St. Mary’s a pioneer in the food banking system. The organization has been successfully alleviating hunger for almost 50 years. This idea of food banks spread and many other food banks were created across the country.”

Mr. Van Hengel went on to found other food banks. Readers may be familiar with the organization, Feeding America, which is one of his creations. “He also founded the Global Food Banking Network and has since been known as “the father of food banking.” National Food Bank Day was selected on behalf of Van Hengel to commemorate his extraordinary works.”

The International Effort Against Hunger

While we are thinking about the holidays and hunger, and making our plans to help however we can, let’s take a look at what the UN is doing and encouraging, and the role of food banks in their effort:

“In September 2000, world leaders established Millennium Development Goals and they signed a commitment to achieve them by 2015. The first goal was to end extreme poverty and hunger. They also specified three targets: The first was to halve the proportion of people who suffer from hunger by 2015. The second was to decrease the likelihood of a child dying before age five due to hunger and finally the third was to reduce the rate of extreme poverty. About 40 countries have already achieved the first target and extreme poverty rates have been cut in half since 1990. Food banks are a key component in the realization of these goals. In the U.S. alone, about 42 million people struggle with food insecurity and food banks are helping these people.”

Do’s and Don’ts of Donating

Common sense tells us to donate food that can be safely stored for a month or more, so of course we do not donate foods that need to be refrigerated or frozen. Around the holidays it is recommended to contact the food bank to see if you can donate frozen or refrigerated food for that special holiday meal.

Feeding America provides a guide on what to and what not to donate, which is linked [HERE]. We’ll offer a small bit of info, and we recommend visiting the web page and reading the full article:

“The number one rule to remember is this: if your donation is perishable, i.e., it’s something with a limited shelf life if not refrigerated, food banks won’t accept it.” The article goes on to say, “While an individual can’t donate a bunch of bananas or a frozen turkey, many food banks do work directly with farmers, retailers, restaurants, and other companies to source these perishable foods for donation. And, Feeding America helps ensure its network has access to these healthy foods year-round.”

We will keep readers updated on AMS’ food bank drives. If readers wish to make a personal donation, we recommend a quick search for a ‘food bank near me’ and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. There is nothing more rewarding than giving of what you have to feed a hungry family.

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

Labor Day - AMS FulfillmentLabor Day is the holiday in which we honor, and thank, and appreciate the men and women who make up the labor force – our highly valued employees! We appreciate and honor every single one who contributes to our success as a business. Thank You!

We know that AMS is successful because of our employees, who serve our clients with skill and dedication. Simply said, our employees are the reason that AMS Fulfillment is prospering. Labor Day recognizes the high value of America’s men and women who keep things going – all along the supply chain we find reason to appreciate labor.

Asking Google about Labor Day we get the following message:

“Observed each year on the first Monday of September, Labor Day is at heart a celebration of the hard-won achievements of America’s labor movement and a recognition of what workers have contributed to the nation’s prosperity.”

Message from the CEO

Before we talk about the history of this holiday, we’d like to offer a message of gratitude from the AMS CEO, Jay Catlin:

“As the leader and founder of AMS Fulfillment, Labor Day is incredibly meaningful to me because I know that it takes so much mental and physical energy to do what we do as a Team. Fulfillment is a pretty wild business, and through teamwork, coordination, attention to detail, hard work and intelligence, we help other businesses succeed with the service we provide, while also helping AMS grow and thrive as a national player in 3rd party fulfillment. Ours is a People business and I have so much appreciation and respect for the people at AMS that make it happen each day.  My respect goes out to all hard-working citizens who contribute their gifts, talents and energy at work as they make their way through life… and my sincerest gratitude goes out to Team AMS as we have built something special together over the past 22+ years!”

The History of Labor Day

The Labor Day holiday originated during a time when workers faced long hours, unsafe conditions and low wages. It was the height of the Industrial Revolution when labor unions went to battle for reasonable hours, safe conditions, and a living wage. We went to the History website [LINK] for information on how it began.

“Observed the first Monday in September, Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being.

“Before it was a federal holiday, Labor Day was recognized by labor activists and individual states. After municipal ordinances were passed in 1885 and 1886, a movement developed to secure state legislation. New York was the first state to introduce a bill, but Oregon was the first to pass a law recognizing Labor Day, on February 21, 1887. During 1887, four more states – Colorado, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York – passed laws creating a Labor Day holiday. By the end of the decade Connecticut, Nebraska and Pennsylvania had followed suit. By 1894, 23 more states had adopted the holiday, and on June 28, 1894, Congress passed an act making the first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday.”

Who is the Founder

Apparently there are two people in competition for the founder credit – the representative of the machinists or the representative of the carpenters!

“Some records show that in 1882, Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a co-founder of the American Federation of Labor, suggested setting aside a day for a “general holiday for the laboring classes” to honor those “who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold.”

“But Peter McGuire’s place in Labor Day history has not gone unchallenged. Many believe that machinist Matthew Maguire, not Peter McGuire, founded the holiday.

“Recent research seems to support the contention that Matthew Maguire, later the secretary of Local 344 of the International Association of Machinists in Paterson, New Jersey, proposed the holiday in 1882 while serving as secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York.”

How to Celebrate

There will be some parades, and some speeches, and some workers getting the day off and some workers at their jobs getting ‘holiday pay’. Labor Day is also a picnic in the park with family, an outing to the movies, and just plain rest and relaxation. However you celebrate, we want it to be a day of appreciation for the men and women who keep the business of the world running, keep our deliveries coming, keep us fed and housed, keep our cars repaired, build the houses, stock the shelves at the grocery store – there is nothing more valuable than the men and women who make up the labor force!

“American labor has raised the nation’s standard of living and contributed to the greatest production the world has ever known and the labor movement has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economic and political democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pays tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation’s strength, freedom, and leadership – the American worker.”

Happy Labor Day to all!

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

DE&I - AMS FulfillmentMonday, August 26th, was celebrated as Women’s Equality Day. Our question is… do women still experience inequality? Have we survived the patriarchy and moved into a time of equality and balance, with each having an equal voice? Rather than celebrate the day mindlessly, we would like to look into this commemoration to celebrate victories and acknowledge issues that may continue.

At AMS Fulfillment, we do have a very good balance in management, with a slight percentage in favor of women. AMS has its share of smart, strong, hard-working women and smart, strong, hard-working men in leadership and we’re a successful business, so we would venture to say that women’s equality can be found here. And we’re grateful for that!

AMS is committed to practice DE&I, which means we want a workforce that reflects the diversity of our country and our community, we want equity in pay and in responsibility, and we want to include individuals who may have been excluded in the past. We will talk more about DE&I and JEDI, but first let’s look at history up to the present.

The History of Human Rights

We recall, some years ago, an advertisement campaign encouraging women to smoke cigarettes, declaring… “We’ve come a long way.” Today we know that women’s equality is not measured by our right to cigarettes!! Let’s look at the reality.

We’ll begin with some information from the US Department of Interior [LINK], published on the centennial of the 19th amendment, which was 2020.

“Changing the Constitution was a lengthy and complicated struggle and began in 1848 with the first Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New York. The Seneca Falls Convention had more than 300 attendees, including organizers Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott.  The meeting launched the Women’s Suffrage Movement, and it was where the rights of American women were outlined in the Declaration of Sentiments and signed by 68 women and 32 men, including Frederick Douglass.

“Even though the 19th Amendment was ratified in 1920, many women of color were unable to exercise their right to vote. Though these women rallied alongside white suffragists, many women of color remained disenfranchised until the mid-20th century: Native American women (1924); Chinese American women (1943); and Japanese and other Asian American women (1952).  As late as 1962, some states still prevented women of color from voting on contrived grounds, such as literacy tests, poll taxes, voting ID requirements, intimidation, and claims regarding the legitimacy of residence were all obstacles. It was not until the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, 45 years after the enactment of the 19th Amendment, that Black women were able to exercise this right without restrictions.

“The struggle for Women’s Suffrage was only the first step toward equality for women. Even though women have made great strides towards equity, diversity, and full inclusion the fight for equal pay continues. While women are paid less than men, women of color are often paid even less. Yet, in virtually every sector of our society, women are significant contributors to enriching life experiences in the United States.  Their resolve, innovation, leadership, passion, and compassion have changed the world and continue to inspire future generations of women.”

Our Growth as a Nation

While the reality of inequality may burden our hearts, we do have a great deal to appreciate. When this country was founded, upon an inspiring Bill of Rights and Constitution, the reality was that these rights were granted only to white men of means who were landowners. Still, over the decades and centuries the People saw to it that slavery ended, the right to own property and vote was granted to women, and eventually to all. We HAVE come a long way, not with regard to smoking, but with regard to equal rights for every citizen of this country. And the growth is still embraced – we want every human being, no matter the sex, no matter the ethnicity, no matter the history – every human being must enjoy freedom and equality.

Our Growth as a Business

At AMS, our dedication to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion speaks to efforts to work within our community to hire individuals who experience obstacles to gainful employment. We hire individuals with disabilities, persons who are suffering homelessness, single parents, persons who are burdened with a prison record – AMS works with organizations in the community, and we have done so for years. In addition, we offer free, on the clock training and higher education to all of our employees and we are delighted that many employees take advantage of this offering.

JEDI refers to Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, so basically JEDI adds Justice to the mix. Who among us does not want Justice, in the way we are hired, in the way we are promoted, and in the way we are paid? Justice is not only a beautiful word… it is a beautiful reality when enacted. As the Department of the Interior asserted, women of color are still facing injustice in the workforce and we are committed completely to justice in our hiring and promotion – for all people of color, both men and women.

As we reach the end of August, 2024, we salute the People of the United States for the ongoing efforts to create a just world, for all. Women’s Equality Day, August 26th, allows us to review our history and re-commit to true equality for everyone. At AMS, we live it and we’re so glad that we do.

Let’s Conclude with a Story

Contemplating this subject, we ran across a story on Facebook. We’d like to share the story of Cecilia Payne with readers and attribute it to the writer, Nana Nti Boakye.

“Since her death in 1979, the woman who unveiled the fundamental composition of the universe has remained largely unrecognized. Her legacy is marked only by a commemorative plaque on a university wall, with her groundbreaking discovery scarcely mentioned in her obituary. Every high school student knows that Isaac Newton discovered gravity, Charles Darwin explained evolution, and Albert Einstein formulated the theory of relativity. Yet, when it comes to the composition of the universe, textbooks merely state that hydrogen is the most abundant atom, without acknowledging the person behind this crucial discovery. That person was Cecilia Payne.

“Cecilia Payne authored what is considered one of the most brilliant doctoral theses ever written in the field of astronomy. Ironically, her journey in science began with opposition from her own mother, who deemed it a waste of money for a woman to pursue higher education. Undeterred, Payne earned a scholarship to Cambridge, where she completed her studies. However, because she was a woman, Cambridge refused to grant her a degree. Determined to continue her work, she moved to the United States and joined Harvard, where she became the first person to earn a doctorate in astronomy from Radcliffe College. Otto Strauve, a respected astronomer, described her thesis as “the most brilliant doctoral thesis ever written in astronomy.”

“Cecilia Payne not only discovered the composition of the sun but also laid the foundation for the study of variable stars. Her contributions to astronomy were monumental, yet she is not celebrated with the respect and recognition she deserves. She was the first woman to be promoted to professor at Harvard, a remarkable achievement that, even today, is often overlooked.

“This brief text serves as a tribute to Cecilia Payne, the woman who discovered what stars are made of, and whose legacy should be remembered with the honor and respect befitting her contributions to science.”

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

Employees - AMS FulfillmentThank you for your exemplary performance during the month of July: STEVEN Z., ELIZABETH R., CADE R., JESUS N., NATALIE L., BRIAN N., JADE B., STEPHEN C., ELVIRA A., and YOLANDA R.

In the fulfillment industry, employees directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business. At AMS Fulfillment we appreciate and value our employees, and we respect and invest in them. Every month we see our employees working hard with such outstanding dedication and we are continually impressed by the results they produce!

Congratulations to this month’s winners! All Winners will receive an Employee of the Month Certificate, T-Shirt, and Quarterly Celebration Lunch!

STEVEN Z., Inventory Receiving Supervisor I (12/08/2021) Boulden

Steve has been a nonstop ‘workhorse’ for us this month, handling the receiving of a new client. He has been one of the first people in the building and one of the last to leave. He does a great job communicating to his team and management on the daily tasks at hand and overseeing all the receiving that is coming into the building. He also spent a lot of time this month helping with the replenishment and inventory side of the operation. Overall, “Zip” has been a great asset to the team this month. – Cory P.

ELIZABETH R., Operations Associate I (05/05/2024) Churchman’s

Since joining us as a temporary associate Elizabeth has been nothing but amazing day in and day out for our clients. Elizabeth has since been onboarded as a full-time operations associate. I have watched her learn from the very beginning how to perform every task needed to meet tremendous deadlines with very complex, busy, and demanding clients. She is always willing to stay late come in early, work weekends, and literally do whatever is asked!!! We feel comfortable giving her the biggest most complex worst of the worst orders knowing they will get done on time and perfectly! With Elizabeth, it is a family affair we have had the pleasure of bringing her son (Albert) and her sister (Karla) on as seasonal associates and they have both been awesome additions to the team here!! – Paul S.

CADE R., Assistant Account Manager (01/02/2024) Client Services

Cade is a valuable employee. He brings positive attitude, a can-do demeanor and reliability. Every day new challenges come from all directions to which Cade keeps a calm focus while tackling each. In addition, Cade shows a desire in his long-term success by being open to learn at every opportunity and bringing forward effective contributions. As a team member, he is exceptional. Cade has risen to help when requested. During our team meetings, he shows engagement every time and works towards building positive relationships. – Ingrid I.

We would like to nominate Cade R. as he is a great team player. He came on board with no experience in the industry and has been able to expand his knowledge rapidly. He is willing to help where needed, as needed, and helps us make sure his tasks are completed. He brings a unique competitive energy to our team and are proud of his progress. His music is not for the weak but we thank him for showing us a whole new genre! – Esperanza E.

JESUS N., Operations Associate II (11/23/2015) Headquarters WH

Jesus N. continues to be our top performer. He consistently helps others, does all tasks assigned with no hesitations, and his extensive knowledge of the business makes him a great asset in all fields, from labeling to QC, pulling orders, and driving a forklift to data entry in inventory and receiving. He can do it all and always with a friendly smile… HQ receiving team. – Ignacio F.

NATALIE L., Operations Associate II (02/11/2021) Livingston

Within the past couple of months, Natalie took on a role to lead the way for a client when B2B was moved back to LIV and she has done an OUTSTANDING JOB. Her accuracy and pushing to get all orders out promptly has been great. Natalie shows up to work with a smile, has great attendance, and can always be counted on to complete a task even if it means staying overtime. She thrives in her position and we’re all lucky to have her as a TEAMATE AT LIV. Thank you, Natalie, for all your hard work and dedication. – Saul M.

BRIAN N., Maintenance Technician I (03/06/2023) Facilities

Brian has been a consistent leader and a dedicated contributor to the success of the Facilities Department since I got here in May of 2023. Brian is one of three maintenance employees that are responsible for maintaining all our warehouses. Brian’s positive attitude, his teamwork, his cooperation, and his contributions have helped the entire team to gain praise, recognition, and respect from leadership.  Everyone can be assured in knowing that “the job will get done.” Brian’s willingness to jump in anywhere to assist is obvious. You will see Brian working on a multitude of projects. He will be running electrical circuits one moment and helping a custodian bale cardboard the next. There is a quote that defines Brian’s work ethic and commitment to AMS. Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes the “team” work. It is a pleasure to have Brian on the Facilities Team!!!  Without him, we would accomplish so much less!!! – George R.

JADE B., Operations Manager I (03/27/2017) New Holland

Jade is an absolute pleasure to work with. Her exceptional work ethic and positive attitude make her a valuable asset to any team. Not only is she highly skilled and knowledgeable in her field, but she also possesses a natural ability to connect with others on a personal level. Jade is always responsive and attentive, never failing to lend a helping hand or offer support when needed. Her sympathetic and empathetic nature makes her a trusted confidant, and her ability to truly understand others’ perspectives is a rare quality. Even in the face of challenging situations, Jade remains focused, calm, and professional, refusing to let adversity affect her work. She is determined to find solutions and does whatever it takes to get the job done efficiently and effectively. Furthermore, Jade goes above and beyond her role, taking on additional tasks and responsibilities without hesitation. Her dedication and hard work inspire those around her and set a high standard for excellence in the workplace. Working with Jade is truly a privilege, and she is a shining example of professionalism, integrity, and a true team player. – Antonia T.

STEPHEN C., Director of Operations I (08/28/2020) Newark

This month we would like to nominate Stephen Collins for Newark’s employee of the month. Steve is currently overseeing us out of Boulden right now, but he still doesn’t miss a beat. He knows what’s going on in his buildings, and whenever anything is going on he is ALWAYS there to help us through it. He has completely built the foundation of this team over here to be strong and successful. Steve is the person who pushes you because he sees what you are truly capable of, even if you don’t see it yourself, and he will bring out the best in you, most of the time. He will take his time to explain things and make you understand them. If you want it and are putting the work in, he will push and help you be successful. Steve is always looking for the good in people and does his best to set them up for success. He genuinely wants the best for his team, and to find a leader who is as invested in his teams as he is – truly a blessing. He isn’t afraid to get out on the floor and get his hands dirty, unloading trucks, or shipping orders. He is the leader who delegates but also is right in the mix when need be. Steve has taught our crew over here in Newark so much the past couple of years and has really been what turned this building around, giving it structure and making it productive. We are all so grateful for him and everything he does for not only our crew here but also for the entire company. We look forward to continuing to learn from you, thanks Steve! – Amber S.

ELVIRA A., Operations Associate II (01/03/2017) Williams

Elvira is always being proactive in our accounts in the Williams facility. Elvira is always willing to help in any department needed. She likes to work in a fast-paced environment but makes sure her job is always accurate. Elvira always shows up to work with a positive attitude and as soon as she walks in the door, she is ready to work. We are thankful to her for always being helpful and we are happy to have her as part of our team. – Cristy G.

YOLANDA R., Operations Associate II (07/30/2018) Witherspoon

Yolanda started working at AMS in 2018. She has had a positive impact on our team in the shipping dept. She never complains about the tasks she is asked to do, including helping in assembly. She is kind to her peers and makes good companionship easily. She always shares her great ideas with me for process improvement and is very resourceful. Although she had no prior data entry experience, she learned the system quickly and made her data entry goals daily. In the last month, she has helped us a lot with the high volumes in our shipping department. She has put in the effort to help keep shipping processing up to date for all of our clients while keeping her work accurate. We are really looking forward to seeing her continue to grow in her role here at AMS. – Tangie D.

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To all of our Honorees, please know that whatever role you play, you are the reason for our success. Congratulations and Thank You!

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

NPS - AAMS FulfillmentWe’re going to talk about the birthday of something very special – something we can enjoy, something we can see, something that can lift our spirit – it’s the birthday of National Parks. Visiting a National Park is always awe inspiring. The first national park in the US was Yellowstone, so readers can see… this is about America’s awe inspiring special places.

What do national parks do for us? Well, they offer us the utter beauty of our shared Earth, they educate us about places where ‘things’ happened, and they offer us the opportunity to be out in nature, walking an unspoiled path. Due to the decision to dedicate extraordinary places to the people of the Nation and not allow development to change those places, we now have 59 fully designated National Parks to take our children and ourselves to for a refreshed mind and spirit. Over the year, more than three hundred million visitors will seek out and visit a National Park. We encourage our employees, clients and friends to be among those visitors.

The Beginning of a Good Idea

It was 1916 when US President Woodrow Wilson signed the “Organic Act”, which set up a bureau in the Interior Department responsible for maintaining national parks and monuments. The Organic Act established the National Park Service (NHS). The NHS is a federal bureau within the Department of the Interior. The date when this Act was signed was August 25, so this date in 2024 is the 108th birthday of a very good thing.

From National Today we read the following:

“National Park Service Founders Day is observed every year on August 25. The day recognizes the superior conservation and preservation efforts of the National Parks System. Whenever you are enjoying scenic trails, open spaces, watersheds, or recreational areas, remember that the National Parks Service works hard to provide a natural outdoor resource accessible to every American. They are also responsible for making hiking and biking trails accessible to all of us. The National Parks System is committed to creating outdoor experiences like no other. All national parks in the US charm us with their beauty and teach us so much about local geography and history.”

Some of the Top National Parks

As we mentioned, Yellowstone was the first national park. We are going to mention nine favorite parks, but first we’ll look at Yellowstone:

“The first national park, Yellowstone, was established in 1872. Congress passed legislation to preserve the land as a public park that would benefit the Americans. This made America the first country in the world to create a public park solely for the benefit of its citizens. This would be the first of many steps that the government would take to create and preserve national land, forests, coastal regions, wildlife refuges, and historic sites for posterity.”

When we searched for top national parks, at a website called Viator we found a list of nine, on which Yellowstone was the first. Best park #2 is Glacier in Montana, and #3 is Yosemite in California. After that we go to Hawaii and visit Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island. The next is not so well known… Denali National Park in Alaska. Number 6, Bryce Canyon in Utah, #7 Olympic in Washington, #8 Acadia in Maine, and finally, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in both North Carolina and Tennessee.

Why AMS Celebrates National Parks

We are a fulfillment company so why are we interested in national parks enough to commemorate the birth? Because we and all AMS employees are human beings whose mind and spirit do need the inspiration of our beautiful Earth. Nature’s beauty can be enjoyed while families improve their health by walking the paths.

We encourage our valued employees, clients and friends to take a beautiful walk in a beautiful park before Summer 2024 is over. We will conclude by connecting readers to the National Park Service’s website and social media.

“About the National Park Service. More than 20,000 National Park Service employees care for the 430 parks in the National Park System and work with communities across the nation to help preserve local history and create close-to-home recreational opportunities. Visit us at [Website] [Facebook] [Twitter] [YouTube]

One more thing we would like to mention, is that this Fall, Apple Maps will include thousands of hikes across US National Parks with turn-by-turn guidance for all who decide it’s time to visit our Earth’s masterpieces.

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

B Corp - AMS FulfillmentAt AMS we are not only committed to BE a B Corporation, we also seek to inform our readers about B Corporations. For this 42nd blog in our Series, we are going to focus on DEI and JEDI. What is it, what can we learn about it and how do we put it into practice? Let’s see what B provides for us.

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

At this first [LINK] readers will find a number of articles, 13 to be exact, that go into such subjects as anti-racism business resources, how B Corps are structuring anti-racism into their business models, engaging and retaining a diverse workforce and hiring formerly incarcerated employees.

AMS has been committed to justice, equity, diversity and inclusion for years. Our commitment to community led us to apply for B Corporation status, which we achieved in 2017. Searching through the listing of B Corps we find very few fulfillment companies. So, yes, AMS Fulfillment is relatively unique in our commitments to these five stakeholders: employees, community, environment, our clients and ourselves. We try our best to do right by all.

AMS Fulfillment has long-time, beneficial relationships with community organizations, and through these relationships we hire individuals with disabilities, persons who are homeless, at-risk youth, the aging population, single parents, and individuals involved with the justice system.

What is a ‘DEI Hire’?

We have heard people using “DEI hire” as a means of insult, implying that the person was not qualified for the job, but was hired in order to fill a quota regarding race or sexual identity. Such an accusation is both racist and sexist, and it is also not the way DEI works.

At AMS, when we hire individuals with disabilities, they are trained and well qualified by the community organizations we work with. The same goes for at-risk youth, the aging population, single parents and individuals involved with the justice system. And in addition, we provide free on-the-clock training and higher education for all employees.

A quote from DEI consultant, Adriele Parker, underlines the reality: “DEI can’t die as long as there are people. Our diversity is what makes us, us—humans…if we want to coexist peacefully in these shared spaces, DEI is a requirement. Folks may want to call it something else, but the core goal—fostering understanding and fairness amongst people—continues to be the same.”

If underserved individuals are not employed, they are not spending, which means businesses do not invest in capital and labor or try to expand to meet consumer demand. This translates into an economic slowdown and increasing unemployment.

Why do we practice DEI at AMS? We don’t do it to pretend to be virtuous. The answer is, we practice DEI because we believe, and we have seen, that diversity brings many benefits to us. It brings different perspectives and new information, better decision-making, more effective strategies, increased productivity, and improved communication. Our diverse workforce is our strength! We are happy to add to these benefits a better and more just world. We work to B the Change.

Information on DEI and JEDI

In our B Corporation Series we normally link readers to B Corporations where they can explore the various companies, and perhaps do some shopping. In this #42 of the Series, we are going to link readers to two articles with information about DEI and JEDI.

Our first article is entitled “Anti-Racism Business Resource: Commit and Act, Examples and Steps to Drive Real Change.” The following paragraph will serve as an introduction. Please click here [LINK] for the full article.

“We cannot credibly build an inclusive economic system without addressing the fundamental injustice, inequity and violence that disproportionately impacts Black people and other People of Color. Racism is pervasive in the very systems in which our businesses operate and in our communities, and it is only when we center People of Color that we will truly benefit everyone.”— Anthea Kelsick, Co-CEO, B Lab U.S. & Canada

Our second article is entitled “Growing a Diverse Workforce,” and it is described as a “Best Practice Guide to help diversify a company’s hiring pool and team.” The following paragraph will serve as an introduction and please click here [LINK] for the full article.

Looking to diversify your hiring pool and team? This Best Practice Guide focuses on making your recruiting practices more inclusive, reaching a more diverse pool of candidates, and removing bias from your hiring decisions. 

We hope you enjoy the articles available at, and we hope you understand the true benefits of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI). AMS has a wonderful workforce, we value each individual highly, and we’re very pleased to be a B Corp.

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

wellness - AMS FulfillmentWellness is something we should focus on year-round, so what is the purpose of a “wellness month?” As with all commemorations, it creates an opportunity to talk about wellness and focus for a moment on prioritizing self-care, managing stress, and promoting healthy routines year-round. So, let’s celebrate National Wellness Month!

We found an interesting guide for business leaders at a website called ExtensisHR [LINK], and we would like to share some of the good ideas. The article points to the employer offering the right benefits package and providing a healthy work environment.

“Since its inception in 2018, National Wellness Month has aimed to increase awareness of stress management, self-care, and healthy routines, such as drinking more water, regularly exercising, making healthier food choices, improving sleep habits, and more.

“National Wellness Month advocates for the wellness of all people, including employees. The majority of workers reported experiencing some form of burnout last year, making it the perfect time for business leaders to consider how to encourage healthy habits in the workplace during National Wellness Month and beyond.”

Employee Assistance Program

The recommendations that they make are, for the most part, steps that AMS has been taking for a number of years. They encourage employees to drink plenty of water, exercise, create wholesome habits like healthy eating, get good sleep and engage in self-care. And they encourage businesses to offer a great benefits package including mental health coverage.

“A healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body. And with over 40% of employees feeling “a lot of stress,” equipping them with mental health benefits is a must. These benefits can include access to an employee assistance program (EAP), therapy session coverage, and more.”

At AMS we do have an employee assistance program, and we encourage our employees to utilize it fully – it covers employees and their families. We recognize that these are stressful times and sometimes a conversation with a mental health provider can help us to de-stress and cope with the changes.

What are we “stressed out” about? Well, August is back to school month, and for employees with children in school, there will be stress. For AMS management, August is the time to get ready for the busy holiday seasons right around the corner. Stressful indeed! And need we even mention the news headlines? There are plenty of reasons for stress, including health and finances. The Employee Assistance Program is the perfect place to go, and all employees need to do is make a quick call to HR with a request.

We asked AMS’ ESG Program Manager, Samantha Hicks, to tell us more about the Employee Assistance Program. Samantha offered the following:

“Employees’ work may suffer not only from substance misuse or substance use disorders, but from mental disorders, social issues, marital and family turmoil; medical, financial, or legal problems; or psychological stressors. Providing employees with support for issues that affect their well-being and mental health will enhance the effectiveness of the workplace.

“An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a voluntary, confidential program that offers free mental health services to employees and their families. EAPs can help with a range of issues that affect mental and emotional well-being, including:

Family problems
Psychological disorders
Alcohol and substance abuse
Work-life balance

“EAPs can also help with other issues, such as legal, financial, and retirement assistance, and specialized trauma-intervention services. EAP counselors can provide short-term counseling, assessments, referrals, and follow-up services.”

A Positive Workplace

AMS is a B Corporation, and what that means, in essence, is that we want to be a Positive force in the world. Employee health and wellbeing is ‘up there’ in the goals that we set. We have stakeholders in every business decision we make, and those stakeholders are our employees, our community, our environment, our clients and ourselves. We are not in business for profit alone. We are committed to ‘do good’ in the world, and readers will see evidence of that in our employee benefits and EAP, also in our free education and training of employees, and in our safety programs.

To our valued employees we say, please do take steps to care for yourself. We will help you in any way we can, as you Matter! You are the reason our clients come to us and appreciate us – it is your mind, your time, and your labor that make AMS successful and we Thank You. The EAP can help with a whole lot of stressors, so please check it out, and utilize every benefit you need.

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

Indigenous - AMS FulfillmentCommemorative days exist in order to draw people’s attention to specific issues that need support, or to special achievements. This year on the date of August 9th, the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples is focused on the achievements and contributions that indigenous people make to improve world issues such as environmental protection.

AMS is dedicated to protecting the environment in any way we can, which includes monetary contributions to the Rainforest Trust. Like many others, we are very much concerned with the protection of the forests for the sake of the global environment. We are also very supportive of the rights of Indigenous Peoples to live as they have lived for millennia. The commemorative day of Indigenous Peoples this year is focused by the UN on protecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples who live in isolation from outside contact and this isolation is voluntary and beneficial.

According to the UN website, development for agriculture is not a positive with regard to the ecological system. Below is a quote from the UN [LINK].

“Around 200 groups of Indigenous Peoples currently live in voluntary isolation and initial contact. They reside in remote forests rich in natural resources in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Peru and Venezuela. They choose to live detached from the rest of the world and their mobility pattern allows them to engage in gathering and hunting, thereby preserving their cultures and languages. These peoples have a strict dependency on their ecological environment. Any changes to their natural habitat can harm both the survival of individual members and the group as a whole.

“Despite their right to autonomy as enshrined in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous Peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact face unique challenges often overlooked by the surrounding world. Developments for agriculture, mining, tourism and natural resources in their territories is resulting in the deforestation of swathes of Indigenous Peoples’ forests, disrupting their way of life and destroying the natural environment that they have protected for generations.”

Indigenous People Have Rights

One of the most serious threats of contact with the developed world is exposure to diseases. Through isolation they can avoid the diseases from which they have no immunity. The focus of the commemoration this year is on protecting their right to live as they always have lived and thrive as they always have. We have become informed and wise enough to know that their survival is crucial to the environment, and therefore to our survival as well. The article points out the following:

“Indigenous Peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact are the best protectors of the forest. Where their collective rights to lands and territories are protected, the forests thrive, alongside their societies. And not only is their survival crucial to the protection of our planet, but it is crucial to the protection of cultural and linguistic diversity.”

As we know, throughout history, the rights of Indigenous Peoples have not only been violated… they have been trampled. Genocide has been committed. Many Indigenous people have died from diseases and loss of their way of life. For the reason of respect and repair, the first meeting of the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations was held in Geneva in 1982. The date of August 9 is related to this event. It wasn’t until 1994 that the UN General Assembly decided that the day should be commemorated annually.

Wikipedia provides some further information: “In April 2000, the Commission on Human Rights adopted a resolution to establish the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues that was endorsed by the Economic and Social Council. The forum’s mandate is to discuss indigenous issues related to culture, economic and social development, education, the environment, health and human rights.”

We appreciate what the United Nations is doing to protect Indigenous Peoples, and we appreciate all of the member States that support these efforts, as well as the States in the US that support and celebrate the Indigenous Peoples within our borders. Humanity is fortunately becoming more aware of the value of diversity, as well as human impact on the environment. We encourage support for Indigenous communities – all of them – and this support definitely includes the People who live in the forests and keep the forests alive and thriving. There are organizations that purchase and preserve threatened forests, and we encourage support of these organizations on this special day.

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

JEDI - AMS FulfillmentAny time is the perfect time to shop with a Black-owned business and encourage Black entrepreneurship. We mention it and support it in this blog as August is recognized as Black Business Month. AMS is a company that believes in being the change – supporting diversity, and creating a better, more just world. We’re not just DE&I, we’re JEDI with the J standing for Justice.

We know that there is a persistent racial wealth gap putting Black entrepreneurs at a disadvantage when starting a business. Because the Black Community has been underrepresented when it comes to access to capital and opportunities to build wealth, it makes sense for justice-minded individuals to look for and support Black businesses. The sectors in which black-owned businesses operate include restaurants, social work, repair and maintenance, health care, beauty salons more.

In this article we will go into how to find these businesses but first a little history of the commemoration.

History of Black Business Month

According to an article in National Today, [LINK] Black Business Month is… “A time to acknowledge and appreciate black-owned businesses across the nation and all that they represent in the country’s continual striving for diversity and equality.”

The article tells us that Mr. Frederick E Jordan, who was an engineering entrepreneur, partnered with John William Templeton, who was president and executive editor of a publication called eAccess Corp, and through their efforts this annual commemoration came about. The year was 2004.

The article goes on to explain: “The intention of the pair was to “drive the policy agenda affecting the 2.6 million African-American businesses,” in order to highlight and empower Black business owners all over, especially given the unique challenges faced by minority business owners. This stemmed from Jordan’s own personal experience of the struggle to gain financial backing and funding when he began his own firm in San Francisco in 1969.”

Black-owned B Corporations

We went to the B Corporation website [LINK] for more information on Black Business Month and Black-owned B Corporations where we found some important statistics. (Readers will find a listing of Black-owned B Corporations at the above link.)

“In addition to generational wealth gaps, Black Americans face a challenge in accessing money to launch a business: Less than 1% of venture capital funds go to Black-owned startups, and banks are about 30% more likely to approve loans for white-owned businesses than for Black-owned businesses.”

The article states that… “Black business owners face economic, market, sociocultural, and institutional barriers, which are all linked to racial discrimination in the United States. These barriers harm Black business owners and communities as well as the overall U.S. economy, which would see a $200 billion revenue gain if Black-owned businesses gained parity with white-owned companies.”

Black people make up about 14% of the population, but Black-owned businesses comprise only 2.2% of America’s companies with more than one employee. The shortage of Black businesses throttles the development of Black communities. Perhaps we can help to change those realities by intentionally choosing to shop with a Black-owned business.

How to Observe Black Business Month

Finding Black-owned businesses is relatively easy nowadays. A quick Google search for ‘Black-owned businesses near me’ brings up a number of listings, and the same can be said for locating online Black businesses and Black-owned restaurants. If you go out to eat this month, definitely find a Black-owned restaurant and enjoy!

Here’s a bit more from the aforementioned article: “Look no farther than #BlackFoodFridays on Instagram to be part of the super-cool movement started by Charleston, South Carolina’s writer /activist /innovator — K. J. Kearney. The aim of the movement is simple; to direct peoples’ attention to black-owned restaurants all over the country. The idea is now developing into a business, with apps like ‘EatOkra’ also doing the same.”

We hope you enjoy Black Business Month and encourage readers to explore the Black-owned business in your area.

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

Employees - AMS FulfillmentThank you for your exemplary performance during the month of June: ANTONIO S., DAILY G., JENNIFER W., VALENTIN M., JUANA R., ORVILLE M., GLORIA V., ROXANNE W., and ROCIO A.

In the fulfillment industry, employees directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business. At AMS Fulfillment we appreciate and value our employees, and we respect and invest in them. Every month we see our employees working hard with such outstanding dedication and we are continually impressed by the results they produce!

Congratulations to this month’s winners! All Winners will receive an Employee of the Month Certificate, T-Shirt, and Quarterly Celebration Lunch!

ANTONIO S., Operations Associate III (10/04/2022) Boulden

Antonio comes in every day ready to work and is an important part of the receiving/inventory team. Antonio is always willing to help on the dock with whatever we need. He doesn’t hesitate to jump on a reach lift to move pallets for us, or to check inventory when we have discrepancies. He will hop in the truck no matter what time it is to go to another building to pick up or deliver pallets. He makes sure at the end of the day the building is locked up and lights are off. Most importantly, he is always working safely and with a great attitude towards his peers and management. – Cory P. and Shaun R.

DAILY G., Operations Associate I (05/05/2024) Churchman’s

Daily started as a temp with us and we have since onboarded her as a full-time employee. We have watched her grow from doing little orders to completing very complex large orders for every retailer and being very helpful to every associate who has a question. She is willing to stay late and come in early as well as train new associates. We have watched Daily take the bus in the freezing cold every morning to earning her driver’s license (after 3 tries) which just shows her determination to complete something she starts. – Paul S.

JENNIFER W., Business Development Representative (09/22/2022) HQ- Sales

We (the entire Sales Team) are thrilled to nominate Jennifer W. for Employee of the Month. Jennifer exemplifies the qualities of a truly outstanding employee. She is constantly seeking opportunities to learn and grow, demonstrating an impressive enthusiasm for personal and professional development. Jennifer is an especially fast learner, mastering new skills and adapting to challenges with ease.

Jennifer is someone who represents AMS to potential new customers, and I greatly appreciate having her convey the AMS culture of positivity, fairness, openness, and kindness to the people she meets with every day. Companies want to work with Partners that are not only great at what they do, but fun and friendly as well… and Jennifer demonstrates the full scope of AMS with every interaction.  Jennifer and Jay have a big job to do between the two of them in managing the Sales Pipeline, and we wouldn’t be finding our success without her hard work, professionalism, and positivity.

Jennifer’s dedication to excellence shines through in every task she undertakes. She consistently goes above and beyond in her duties, readily lending a helping hand to colleagues. Her willingness to assist others makes her a reliable team player. Even in the face of adversity, Jennifer maintains a positive and optimistic outlook. Her resilience, excitement, and positivity inspire everyone around her. She is a valuable asset to our team and a shining example of excellence.

Jennifer’s passion for customer service is evident in every interaction. She brings a positive energy, follows up consistently, and engages thoughtfully with customers and partners. Jennifer takes the lead on projects, provides timely updates, and plays a pivotal role in our sales processes. We are immensely thankful for her partnership. For these reasons and more, we wholeheartedly nominate Jennifer Wrigley for Employee of the Month. Thank you, Jennifer, for all that you do. – Steven H., Jay C. & JayCo.

VALENTIN M., Inventory Receiving Specialist I (10/27/2021) Headquarters WH

We, HQ Receiving Team, nominate Valentin M. as he has shown improvement in the use of technology. He puts his mind to it and beats something he thought he couldn’t do. He struggled but persevered. He has also been a great asset in driving and assuring the deliveries are done quickly and efficiently. He continues to improve and greatly contributes to the company. – Ignacio F.

JUANA R., Operations Associate II (08/10/2022) Livingston

Juana is an Outstanding employee here at Livingston! Juana is a team player who is willing to help wherever she is needed, including working at our Williams facility where she is always welcomed, and where the ops leaders have the same positive feedback – dedicated, hard-working, and a team player. Juana comes to work every day and will give 110% effort; from the time she reports to work until the second she leaves work. Juana demonstrates dedication and excellent attendance, and her work ethic is AMAZING. I could always count on Juana to go the extra mile to help our team succeed. Thank you, Juana, for all your hard work and teamwork you present daily. Thank you! – Saul M.

ORVILLE M., Operations Associate I (10/31/2022) Newark

Orville has been with the company going on two years now and has really worked hard these past few weeks to be an example on the team. He always tries his best to make sure what he is working on is done correctly and anyone working with him is doing the same. He will go out of his way to ask questions if he doesn’t understand or isn’t positive about something. He has been going out of his way to learn new things in the building and always does the other things people overlook. Orville is always willing to stay late or come in early. We really do appreciate what you do, “O”, and the efforts you put into your work. Thank you!! – Amber S.

GLORIA V., Operations Associate II (03/23/2020) New Holland

Gloria has been a solid part of our team for over a year. She was trained on our pick to light process upon its launch and has been a crucial member of our team ever since. Gloria is trustworthy, reliable, and dependable daily no matter the task. Her attention to detail is impressive and very much appreciated. Gloria ensures each order is packed correctly as well as efficiently. Gloria does whatever is asked of her and knows what needs to be completed daily without questions.

I see Gloria go above and beyond every single day for her team and her department, consistently producing outstanding numbers. Gloria has been instrumental in the training of new associates and employees during our busy seasons ensuring they are following processes and keeping up pace. She is a phenomenal team member with a great attitude who is passionate about her job and is always willing to help others out when she can. Gloria, your work ethic, and quality of work are phenomenal. Thank you for being such a positive, productive, and all-around awesome part of our team. We appreciate all your hard work and dedication. You are beyond awesome! Keep up the great work! – Jade B. & Rachel P.

ROXANNE W., Operations Supervisor (Interim) (10/04/2021) Williams

We recognize Roxanne for her hard work and dedication to her job. Roxanne used to work in receiving and inventory and she was a great aspect of the team. Any questions or doubts she always made sure to ask the right questions. She has shown potential to grow with the company. She has stepped up to cover in a new position and she had to learn all the new processes on the operations side. Roxanne has managed to be able to capture the functions needed to make the clients happy and to get the orders out. She is a great person, always willing to help, willing to learn more, she’s always on time and very flexible when needed. We are so thankful to have Roxanne as part of William’s team and we thank her for all her hard work. Keep it up!! – Cristy G.

ROCIO A., Talent Acquisition Manager (08/15/2022) WIT-HR

It is with great pleasure that I recommend Rocio A. for Employee of the Month. Rocio has demonstrated exceptional growth and dedication in her role as an HR professional. Her meticulous attention to detail, empathetic approach to sensitive matters, and unwavering commitment to fairness and integrity have set a new standard for our HR department. Rocio’s ability to handle complex situations with professionalism and discretion has earned her the trust and respect of both her colleagues and those she supports. – Cindy B.

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To all of our Honorees, please know that whatever role you play, you are the reason for our success. Congratulations and Thank You!

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

Conservation - AMS FulfillmentThe online dictionary defines conservation as “prevention of wasteful use of a resource.” On July 28th we join others around the world in raising awareness about conserving Earth’s resources and ecosystems. At AMS as we practice conservation of resources and we commit to continuous improvement in support of World Conservation Day.

There is no doubt that human beings have exploited the Earth’s resources and polluted the ecosystems. We, the people of the Earth, are becoming aware of changes we need to make, and environmental repair we need to engage in. AMS is dedicated to being a positive force in conservation and environmentalism, and we have been so since the company was formed.

AMS became a Certified B Corporation in 2017, and that means that the environment is now a stakeholder in our business decisions.

World Conservation

Quoting from National Day Calendar [LINK] we offer the following:

Our planet’s natural resources consist of air, sunlight, soil, minerals, fuels and water. All of these things are found in nature and used by people. Currently, there are nearly 8 billion people that populate the Earth. This number is expected to exceed 9 billion by 2037. All of these people use the earth’s natural resources every day. Because these resources are getting used up so rapidly, many people are concerned they will become depleted. For this reason, many individuals and organizations stress the importance of conserving our natural resources.”

The article offers some ways to conserve our natural resources. As readers will see, AMS does engage in these conservation practices.

#1. Plant trees to reduce soil erosion: At AMS we have not only planted trees on our own grounds but we have annually donated financially to the Rainforest Trust to help preserve the rainforests so vital to the atmosphere.

#2. Reduce, reuse and recycle: In addition to curbside recycling, we recycle stretch plastic, we donate or reuse materials, we have reduced the use of single use plastics by installing multiple water dispensers at each facility, and we provide employees reuseable drink containers.

#3. Carpool with co-workers: Several years ago, AMS partnered with a Vanpool service for our CA employees who commute, and we also encourage carpooling whenever possible.

#4. Shut off lights when leaving a room: AMS has motion generated lighting in its warehouses. We also use energy efficient lighting and natural lighting.

#5. Go digital instead of printing things on paper: We have an in-house IT team, fully developed digital client portal, communications with our clients are digital, online or by phone, and the use of paper documentation is very limited. We partner with a shredding company for our confidential documents which are repurposed into new paper products.

#6. Volunteer for community cleanups: AMS has a very dedicated and active passionate Activities Committee, and our employees have participated in a number of community cleanups, led by our Activities Committee members. The Committee also does fundraisers and makes local charitable donations, the most recent being a fun and tasty Chili Cook-off!

#7. Use non-toxic cleaning supplies: Our Purchasing Department has done a great deal of research on non-toxic supplies, and we purchase and use only products that are not damaging to the environment. We also purchase and use sustainable packaging. Our AMS Green Team has developed a purchasing catalog with recommendations of earth-friendly packaging choices for our clients.

#8. Make your own compost: Our CA facilities are required by our municipal waste company to dispose of compost in a separate waste container for pickup. Our Green Team monitors proper disposal and engages employees to recycle right.

In addition to the above recommendations that we found in the article, we are proud to add a few more recommendations of our own.

#9. Carbon Neutral: AMS used carbon offsets by funding projects that reduce or remove emissions elsewhere to achieve carbon neutral status. Our goal is to further reduce our emissions and move towards being net-zero. We understand offsetting really needs to happen in conjunction with reduction: it should not be a free pass to just continue emitting.

#10. CDP: AMS annually reports to CDP where we have to answer a questionnaire about our environmental impact and actions taken to reduce them. In 2023, AMS reached the Management Level Band.

#11. Memberships: AMS is a member of The Sustainable Packaging Coalition and The Climate Registry (TCR).

A Little History

An excellent website called Universe Public School [LINK] tells us about the history of this day. They refer to it as World Nature Conservation Day.

“At the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1972, World Nature Conservation Day was formally established. The United Nations General Assembly formally declared July 28th to be a day to raise awareness of the value of safeguarding nature, acknowledging the critical need for international environmental action. The World Heritage Convention was adopted ten years ago on this date, which highlights the importance of protecting natural wonders even more.”

The article goes on to say, “Today, World Nature Conservation Day is celebrated worldwide with diverse activities and campaigns. It is an essential reminder of our duty to preserve the environment and create a sustainable future. The significance of this day is further highlighted by the persistent problems of resource depletion, biodiversity loss, and climate change. Future developments are expected to see World Nature Conservation Day take on new forms, addressing fresh environmental issues and encouraging creative fixes for a cleaner Earth.”

We also are encouraged by a timeline they provide:

2018 (A Buzzing Victory): The E.U. completely restricts the outdoor use of three neonicotinoids (a type of pesticide).

1995-1996 (Gray Wolves Return): 40 years after being wiped out by humans, thirty-one gray wolves from western Canada are released into Yellowstone National Park.

1973 (A Law to Protect Threatened Species): Encouraging the preservation of habitats that are vital to the survival of threatened and endangered species is the goal of the Endangered Species Act.

October 5, 1948 (The Establishment of Nature’s Conservation Body): The International Union for Conservation of Nature is founded in Fontainebleau, a small French town.

Respect the Earth – our beautiful shared Earth. Today we are called upon to correct the exploitation, waste of resources and environmental pollution of the past and find ways to care for and preserve the environment from this day forward. The foundation for a stable and healthy society is a healthy environment, and we encourage everyone to make the environment a stakeholder in their business and personal decisions. Here’s to Mother Nature!!

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

Culture - AMS FulfillmentWe were surprised and pleased to see a focus on ‘Listening’ when we looked into July commemorative days! July 18th is World Listening Day! We get to think about what it means for one person to listen to another!

First let’s look into what the organizers of this commemoration had in mind when establishing it. From Twinkl [LINK] we find the following:

“World Listening Day is a celebration of the power of listening, both to people and to our surroundings. The day also celebrates Acoustic Ecology which is the study of how human beings relate to the world through sound. Listening is an essential part of communication and something that we do not do often enough. World Listening Day proclaims that it is time to listen intently to the people in our lives and the worthy causes that are seeking attention. This requires engaging with listening as an active process, one that encourages listening with as much effort as speaking.”

That’s something worth noting – time to listen to the people in our lives, and that includes all people… family and ‘work family’ – our co-workers. Time to listen without thinking about a response – just listening and hearing. The article goes on to explain.

“World Listening Day began in 2010 as a celebration of listening and as an encouragement to listen actively and eagerly. The day has been celebrated every year since and shows no signs of slowing down. The date was selected because this is the birthday of R. Murray Schafer. He was a Canadian composer and a founding member of the movement of Acoustic Ecology. In addition to its academic goals, this field of study also seeks to end rampant noise pollution and bring about harmony between humans and the environment. World Listening Day draws attention to these causes and calls us to do what we can to reduce our noise pollution.”

Human Communication

Noise pollution – that certainly is a reality in our lives. And there are tons of voices asking for our attention – the phone, the email, the news, the social media… we are inundated with marketing and demands for our attention. Listen to me… no listen to me… no listen to me. Who or what should we be listening to? Let’s return to the article:

“Celebrating World Listening Day 2024 can be done in plenty of different ways but they all revolve around active listening. This requires us to be engaged when hearing others and putting in effort to really understand what they are saying.”

We can give that statement a big thumb’s up. We should be listening to ‘others’. That means other human beings, not our phones or social media. Whether it is a child, an elder, a family member or a co-worker – listening is one of the most human and humane things we can do.

Listening in the Workplace

At AMS, our “Mental Health in the Workplace” class started this week and that seems appropriate to mention. It is vital to think, and to speak, but how much more vital it is to listen to each other. We’re all human beings and we all have challenges in our lives.

In the workplace we may listen to instructions on how to do something, or maybe we listen to new ideas on accomplishing the job. Or it could be a “see something – say something” safety situation where we ask our supervisor to listen! Hopefully we don’t have to listen to too much noise pollution. Obviously there is a lot involved in listening in the workplace.

But, we all know the most human and humane listening is when we’re listening to ‘what’s going on’ with the other person and hearing and responding to the message with love and respect.

Let’s enjoy world listening day and see what messages we hear!!

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.