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Series: What B Corporations do for the world #26

B Corporation - AMS FulfillmentThis week in our B Corporation blog series, we are inspired by an article at the website about a B Corporation that is reshaping hiring and employment practices to diversify the workforce. As our readers are aware, AMS is known for its hiring practices. Being both a B Corporation and a Social Enterprise, we have focused on hiring a diverse workforce and offering education and training as well.

Even though AMS Fulfillment is well established in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) practices we recently engaged an organization to provide additional training. About the training, Ken Wiseman, AMS Chief Workforce Development Officer, had this to say:

“But like any employer, we know we have blind spots. Recently we engaged Diversity Works, which used a rigorous data-driven approach to evaluate our DEI performance. We approached the effort like an individual would take up exercise and eating well – we wanted to set an intention to do better because we knew we’d come out the other side stronger and more resilient. The results confirmed some things that we already knew, and it identified opportunities for us to hardwire the changes we had made to ensure they last. Most importantly, the recommendations were tailored to our business and aligned to our values – our people are more than inputs, they are integral to our success and future performance.“

The following article from talks about a digital marketing company called Two Octobers that developed an apprenticeship program for Black, Indigenous and other People of Color that does not require a college degree. We hope you enjoy this inspiring article.

How B Corps Are Reshaping Hiring and Employment Practices to Diversify Their Workforce and Strengthen Their Business

Through New Programs and Training, B Corps Live Their Values and Expand Their Teams

“Research shows the benefits of a more diverse workforce — financial, societal, professional, and otherwise. But it was firsthand experience as a marketer and educator as well as a desire to better resemble and serve the community that inspired Nico Brooks and his colleagues at Two Octobers to establish a new hiring program. Similarly, other Certified B Corporations are adopting practices and policies to eliminate common barriers to employment.

“Earlier this year, Denver-based B Corp Two Octobers launched a digital marketing apprenticeship to provide an on-ramp to careers in the field for applicants who are Black, Indigenous, or other People of Color or do not have a college degree. The 20-person digital marketing agency provides analytics, paid media management, SEO and content services. It works primarily with purpose-driven organizations, including nonprofits and fellow B Corps, with an emphasis on teaching, coaching, and training.”

Read the full article HERE.



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