AMS’ safety record is no accident: Workforce safety during COVID #15

Warehouse Safety - AMS FulfillmentThe year 2020 has been life-changing, and we have all been taking safety measures as best we can. Warehouses and fulfillment companies have come under a special kind of pressure. A working supply chain is vital to the lives of American citizens and therefore fulfillment companies are essential businesses in this rapidly adjusting world. Safety from a very contagious virus went quickly to the top of warehouse safety concerns.

Prior to 2020 AMS Fulfillment enjoyed an excellent safety record, and this was due to the strong focus on safety training and the determined efforts of the company’s management. COVID-19 brought new safety challenges never before faced. The AMS Safety Team went to work back in February and March, responding at the highest level as prescribed for business by the CDC. The Team’s decisions, efforts, purchases and policies are described in our weekly safety blogs #1 through #14, accompanied by photos. We are proud to say that our safety record is still excellent!

As we approach the end of the year we face a continuing threat, and that means continuing efforts to protect our employees. With that in mind, this week’s blog features a message from AMS’ Security & Safety Supervisor, Matthew Warholy. His message is as follows:

“Covid-19 has been prevalent in our minds for almost 10 months now. We are constantly bombarded with reminders to use face masks, social distancing & hand sanitizer. We all need these reminders because the virus is making a return with a vengeance. States and countries that had low numbers in the past, have spiked and infection rates are soaring worse than before. The news is filled with reports of infections, deaths and previously healthy folks that are now victims of the virus.

“Of course, social distancing, face masks & hand sanitizer are keys to keep yourself safe but what other reminders do we need? Stay home if you feel even the least bit sick. Why risk yourself and others if you are sick. Do NOT show up at work. Call in. You’re not only infecting co-workers by showing up, you’re risking the health of their families, people who come in contact with them, anything that you or they touch and so on. When we are in the warehouses or offices, stop and think of how many times a cart, a copier, a microwave or a door handle gets touched every day……or every hour. It’s mind boggling how many times we touch things and not think about how many other people have touched it too. Think of how many times we hand our credit card to a fast food employee in the drive thru. How many cards have they touched? What have they touched that others have touched?

“I saw a CNN News report 7 months ago about how quickly a virus can spread. A Japanese researcher created a mock buffet and gave one person a special liquid on his hands to simulate that he coughed into his hand. Then, people went through the buffet and ate their meals. When the lights were turned off, they turned on a black light to show how quickly and dangerously the virus had spread. It’s fascinating what happens. You can watch it here:”

Click HERE to view our AMS Blog list and our Safety Series #1 through #14.

Click here to access the LA County recommendations for business 



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