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Series: What B Corporations do for the World #10

B Corporation - AMS Fulfillment“Every B Corp should make it part of their mission to educate their employees, customers, and suppliers about why being a B Corp is important.” — Jared Meyers, Chairman of Legacy Vacation Resorts and Salt Palm Development in Florida and one of the founders of Florida for Good.

The intention of AMS’ B Corporation series is to do just that – educate all of our readers about why AMS is a B Corporation and why B Corps are important in the changing world.

Education is vital. If given a choice, everything being equal, and one of the companies is a B Corporation, people who are knowledgeable about B Corps will naturally consider it a plus. The B Corp might be the one they want to do business with. And with that choice comes growth and a world changing for the better.

Ultimately we want business to be good for the world: for the people who work at the business, for the customers and clients, for the surrounding community, for the environment, and for the owners or investors. It’s not too much to desire and it is clearly possible… because businesses are doing it!

This week’s blog features an interview with Jared Meyers, the Chairman of Legacy Vacation Resorts and founder of Florida for Good. Mr. Meyers is quoted above. The article also features an interview with Kevin Christopher, Founder and Principal of Rockridge Venture Law in Tennessee and a founder of B Tennessee. Both are champions of the B Corp movement.

We hope you enjoy the article.

Making It Easy to Choose Better Business: Southeast U.S. B Corp Champions Build Regional Movement

Local Networks Provide Opportunity to Build Community in Multiple Ways

“While the global Certified B Corporation community now includes more than 3,500 companies — and continues to grow — many people around the world remain unfamiliar with businesses operating as a force for good. Certain regions of the United States, including the Southeast and the Midwest, have lower concentrations of B Corps than other areas. To raise awareness of B Corps and attract more businesses to the movement, two Southeast U.S. business leaders are among those building local networks and organizing outreach and education.

“It’s no accident that B Corps include community as one of their stakeholders that drives business decisions and practices: The local level is where many companies can make the biggest impact through close connections that provide strength, especially during challenging times.

“As part of my research on purpose-driven business I recently talked with B Corp leaders in the Southeastern U.S., a region where the stakeholder-minded certification remains fairly novel, about their efforts to raise awareness of B Corps and encourage others to learn how business can be a force for good.”

Read the full article HERE.




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