December has been an exciting month at AMS. Early in the month we held our huge annual warehouse sale. It’s a big event for the community and for employees as well. AMS Associates happily take advantage of the huge discounts on products that they know are great brands. The sale was a super success with big crowds on both Saturday and Sunday, December 8th and 9th. Here’s photo of the happy shoppers.

A few days later our Pre-Apprentice Group took their OSHA Walk through the warehouse, which was the final test for their graduation from the Pre-Apprentice Program. AMS has been training employees in an OSHA Safety Program for two years, developing a monthly OSHA Walk with an employee representative from each of the four Warehouses. Since it is AMS’ busiest time of year, the group did a 5-hour crash course in 1½ hours by walking our Headquarters Warehouse with Ken Wiseman while pointing out and discussing safety expectations from the eyes of OSHA.
Congratulations to the Pre-Apprentice OSHA Walk Teams!
HQ Warehouse: Leticia O., Alejandra L., Matthew W., Norma N.
Avenue Williams Warehouse: Jose R., Wesley J.

Right before Christmas AMS employees brought Christmas gifts to children and families in need. Every year, AMS employees hold a drive to collect contributions for both Thanksgiving and Christmas gifts to families in the community. The families are participants in the Santa Clarita Youth Activities League ‘Adopt a Family’ program. Officer Bryan Rooney of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Department runs the program and selects the families for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.
The gift-giving is something AMS employees have made into a tradition, and it is a very much enjoyed tradition by all of the participating employees. Betty-Lou Wiseman is in charge of the program, and Erica M. organizes a team, works on the fundraising, and enjoys experience of giving. In a previous blog Erica talked about how much she appreciates being a ‘giver’. Photos of the gifts, the givers, and the adopted families.