
Read All About It! AMS News and Local Updates

The AMS Fulfillment and College of the Canyons (COC) apprenticeship program was recently featured in the annual publication, produced by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL). CAEL is a national nonprofit that works at all levels within the higher education, public and private sectors to make it easier for people to get the education and training they need.

Jeffrey Forrest, VP of Economic and Workforce Development, College of the Canyons, authored the article, featuring the story of AMS Associate, Ana Rodriguez. The intention of the publication, and of the author, was to provide expert insight into best practices, research and thought leadership on trends in education and the workforce.

The Apprenticeship Program began being developed in 2015 as a unique, first of its kind in the US, collaboration undertaken by COC, AMS Fulfillment and Goodwill Southern California. The following quoted text gives a picture of just a few of the innovations that make this collaboration a model for other companies:

“In an effort to deliver on the promise of a college education—and provide job skills for adult learners like Ana—College of the Canyons, Goodwill Southern California, and AMS Fulfillment have created an apprenticeship program. The program provides customized instruction and on-the-job training to 18 adults from underserved populations in Santa Clarita, California. This partnership between higher education, a workforce intermediary, and a local employer is unique in the following ways:

“1. The instruction is held at the company’s location. This option allows the apprentices to attend classes without having to leave the workplace. Not only is this a convenient alternative for the students, it allows the college to be more engaged with the company. AMS Fulfillment dedicated a portion of its facility to the construction of a world-class learning center, equipped with computers, whiteboards, and projectors. The learning center can seat up to 60 students.

“2. Flexible schedule. The courses are offered in the evenings from 6:00pm—8:30pm, Monday through Thursday. The length of the courses is usually 12 weeks.

“3. No tuition cost to the apprentice or company. The apprenticeship is funded through the California Apprenticeship Initiative New and Innovative Grant Program. The grant covers teacher’s salaries as well as other costs associated with taking classes (such as uniforms, tools, etc.).

“4. Mobile enrollment. Practically all of the apprentices at AMS Fulfillment are adults who have not been to school in many years. As a result, they may be intimidated by the prospect of going to a college to register for classes. To address this challenge, an enrollment team from College of the Canyons goes to AMS Fulfillment to assist the apprentices in becoming students of the College. The process includes advising, assessment, and enrollment. This feature has been a critical component to the education process.”

We are grateful to Jeffrey Forrest and CAEL for shining a spotlight on advances in workforce development and we are quite proud that AMS is on the forefront as a leader in this field.

Ken Wiseman, CEO of AMS, announced several weeks ago that there is more good workforce news to come, as a new Pre-Apprentice Program will soon be funded. Ken said, “This program is designed for employees struggling to get themselves established in the job market. We are trying to help these pre-apprentice candidates get their hands firmly around the first rung of the employment ladder, and empower them to start their climb.”

Readers are encouraged to download the attached PDF of the CAEL publication, especially those who are committed to workforce development. The article not only tells Ana’s story, it goes into detail with regard to the collaboration and the structure of this exciting new approach to apprenticeship.

CONGRATULATIONS! AMS Employees of the Month for December, 2017: We are very pleased to recognize Erica M., Angelic A., Analida H., Elvira A., Lizette B., and Ana R.

Every month, and especially after our busiest month of the year, it’s such a pleasure for supervisors to recognize a specific employee as having been outstanding. Our people are much more to us than human resources… we are the AMS family.

There are a number of AMS facilities, with over 300 employees, and one might think in such an environment it’s hard to create ‘family’ and give credit to individuals. But we have chosen a different route in growing to this size: from the beginning and to this day we value a close environment that takes note of and cares about the wellbeing of employees, and their job satisfaction.

The nominations and comments below demonstrate that the employees being recognized did an outstanding job during the month of December, and deserve our thanks for caring enough to go above and beyond.

Erica M: Assistant Account Manager (10/8/2010)
HQ Office: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Erica is always the first person to jump at the chance to help others whether it’s for one of her clients, or stuffing envelopes for a charity event, or helping organize the holiday dinners and gifts for families in need in our local communities. She does this at Thanksgiving and Christmas, and she communicates with other employees about adopting a family for the holidays so that children will receive gifts. Erica is always smiling and friendly, she as a great sense of humor and is always in a good mood. She is a great asset to AMS, and is truly pleasure to work with.

Angelic A: Clerk I Receiving (04/11/2016)
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Angelic is a team player. When given a task she will complete it on time and very precisely. She is dependable and you can count on her to be here and rise to the challenge. It’s a privilege to have her on the HQ team. Angelic is a very hardworking individual, very respectful and always eager to learn new things and help out. She has recently transitioned into the shipping department and has shown an immense improvement and excellence in this new area. She has become a very supportive and reliable worker and assistant to the shipping supervisor, sharing her ideas on how things can be improved. Angelic is always a pleasure to work with because of her positive attitude and eagerness to learn. She completes her tasks with a smile on her face, even when things get hectic.

Analida H: Inventory/Receiving Supervisor I (09/23/2011)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Analida has done an incredible job supervising our physical inventory team. She is extremely organized and well prepared for every physical inventory we have performed. We have met all of our clients’ expectations and deadlines with fantastic results. For the first time ever we have had three perfect audits for our clients. Analida’s hard work and dedication to the physical inventory process makes her a superstar and we are proud to have her on our team.

Elvira A: General Warehouse II (01/03/2017)
IND1: 28220 Industry Drive

Elvira is a team player! She is always available and willing to help out even if that means coming in on weekends. She completes every task she is given. Elvira comes into work with a good attitude and she always tries her best to answer questions or help whoever needs help. She is always willing to teach and mentor partners to help them succeed. Elvira has been a great help with all of our recent physical inventories. She is also fun, friendly and enthusiastic. We never have to worry about her job getting done. No matter what the task is she gives 150% effort to make sure it is done accurately and efficiently. We are so happy that she responded to the job here at AMS.

Lizette B: Assistant Manager I (05/20/2012)
WIT2: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Lizette goes above and beyond to get her job done. She is very polite, respectful and cares about the employees. She is consistently amazing to work with, very on point and organized, serious and meticulous about her job and overall an awesome human being. When we come in to work and look for stand-out employees we would be willing to go to battle with she is the first one that comes to mind. Lisette is a phenomenal assistant manager who can handle any task she is given with no problem. She is very knowledgeable of all the processes and procedures, always looking for new ways to increase efficiencies. She treats all employees, coworkers and management with the same courtesy and respect.

Ana R: Assistant Operations Manager (09/16/2015)
WIL1: 28936 Ave Williams

Ana has done an amazing job with all the clients. She has a good work ethic and makes sure that everything gets done properly, going above and beyond to get tasks done in a timely manner. Ana always remains with a positive attitude and has a great relationship with all of her coworkers. She carries the team on her back when needed and always offers to help others. Ana is an outstanding leader to our team and a big part of our success here at Williams.


Our ‘Employee of the Month’ recognition is meant to convey a sincere Thank You to individuals in the AMS Fulfillment Family! Whether part of the management team, client services, technology, accounting, fulfillment operations, facilities, the warehouse team, taking inventory, answering the phone, training people, making decisions, doing payroll… you are the reason for our success and we Thank You!

AMS is pleased to announce an exciting new class opportunity for employees! This is the first WMS (Warehouse Management System) training with AMS’ warehouse services software enhancements. The class will cover system navigation (InOrder, Warehouse Services) on processes related to Shipping/Picking & Packing, Receiving/Inventory and Returns/Cycle Counting.

Warehouse managers oversee the handling and storage of all supplies and goods as well as track supply requests and forecast future needs. This training is necessary and valuable for employees to understand the modules, processes and capabilities of our warehouse software. AMS employees will receive hands-on training in all areas of our business to develop, expand and enhance their warehouse skill set to become more flexible employees with a solid knowledge base of our ever-changing industry.

WMS students will learn the key aspects of inventory control and materials handling. They will develop their knowledge of receiving and storing materials with an eye to greater safety and efficiency. Instructors will provide lessons in proper material processing, including the picking and shipping of goods. Students learn the WMS technologies and computer systems that assist managers in maintaining inventory and forecasting supply needs.

The WMS Training class will be held once a week, every Tuesday from 12:30 pm to 2 pm, in the AMS Learning Center (Witherspoon Pkwy. – WIT2N – upstairs), beginning on Tuesday, February 6th, 2018 and ending on March 6th, 2018.

The five 2-hour classes are taught by: Todd G., Eric W., Steve D., Oscar R. and Hector E.

Please contact [email protected] for more information.

workforce development - AMS FulfillmentAMS Fulfillment has long enjoyed a diverse workforce, in part due to the intentional efforts of management to give voice to communities experiencing difficulty in obtaining employment. AMS is one of a new wave of corporations committed to serving social goals as well as those of their customers and of company profit. We know that these three goals serve to enhance each other.

In February we join with other Americans in celebrating the many heroes too often overlooked: the men and women in Black History. Black history is American history, with effects that can still be felt today in underemployment in many communities. We have seen that this can change when opportunity is created.

AMS works with community groups that seek job training and placement for individuals facing obstacles to employment. We know that only by working with community groups and expanding our awareness of their needs can we develop programs to serve those needs.

Over the past few years AMS has proudly partnered with College of the Canyons (COC) to create college-level classes and programs to educate and train a community-based workforce, and to establish an employment program that creates a bridge over obstacles for job seekers.

We also want to see our employees grow and advance into management positions, even if it means they end up leaving us for better opportunities elsewhere. For AMS there is no better way to celebrate Black History Month than to increase our efforts in being a stepping stone in the slow and hard-fought progress written on every page of that history.

AMS CEO, Ken Wiseman, offered his thoughts on how businesses and corporations can bring change: “We know that in Black History Month, greatness can be measured at many levels of achievement, from recently having our first African American President to prestigious accomplishments throughout our country and the world. At AMS, we just focus on what we do best, and that is to be the best first rung on the career ladder that we can be.

“Unemployment of African Americans continues to be a higher percentage than any other race according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics current population survey 2015-2017. Our goal is to give people a job, the skills they need, and the encouragement necessary to reach higher than they thought possible. We appreciate that Black History Month reflects on a storied history of the pursuit of equality and achievement. Celebrating this month inspires all of us to be part of, and responsible to, attainment of that objective.”

This expressed intent is woven into the AMS mission and also into the mission of an increasing number of socially aware corporations; a trend celebrated and long awaited.

Logistics Classroom - AMS FulfillmentAMS Fulfillment, in partnership with Employee Training Institute (ETI) and College of the Canyons (COC), has begun its first classroom training in their groundbreaking Nationally Certified Logistics Apprentice Program. This new apprenticeship, in Logistics and Warehousing, was announced in November of 2016 and began in early 2017.

The program requires 2,200 work hours in four areas of fulfillment (shipping, receiving, inventory and fulfillment) and 160 hours of class time. Current students are 800 hours into their apprenticeship, and beginning their classroom experience with an ETI program called, “New World of Work – 21st Century Skills”.

The ETI training program prepares students for success in the workplace with instruction on adaptability, analysis/solution mindset, collaboration, communication, digital fluency, entrepreneurial mindset, empathy, resilience, self-awareness, and social awareness. These are considered a core set of skills indispensable to employers in the 21st century.

Thumb’s Up to the following apprentices in training as they begin their classroom experience: Natalia Andrade G., Jamie B., Preston F., Brenda F., Cristy G., Lucas H., Michael L., Morgan M., Russell M., Rosalio M., Melanie M., Erick R., Jesse R., Ana R., Norma S., Vanessa H., Charles H., Scott L., Rodolfo R., Leonard L. The following AMS employees have joined the class: Ana R., Kathy B., Oscar V., Terrance N., Beatriz R., Crystal H.

The class is taking place from January 23 to February 27, 2018, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00pm – 6:00pm in the AMS Fulfillment Training Room, 28339 Witherspoon Pkwy, Valencia, CA 91355.

Also of note, AMS will be kicking off a new Warehouse Management System Training Program early in February. The first round of this program is primarily attended by apprentices, but will be offered 3-4 times in 2018. The training teaches employees how to leverage AMS technology solutions in the efficient and accurate handling of our clients’ valuable shipments, and inventory management.

social enterprise - AMS FulfillmentAMS recently announced to the press the exciting news that the corporation has been granted certification from LA County as a Social Enterprise. This news has great importance to families and job-seekers in the SCV community, as the socially beneficial programs established by AMS over the past years are for the most part in the area of workforce development.

According to a study commissioned by the Los Angeles County Workforce Investment Board, the Transportation and Logistics Industry is one of seven high-growth sectors that will sustain career-oriented pathways for job seekers in Los Angeles County.

The study states: “Los Angeles County boasts a profound transportation and logistics sector that employs hundreds of thousands across many industries. All movement of goods, people and services are included in this broad Industry, which encompasses occupations as diverse as warehouse managers to delivery drivers and diesel engine mechanics. This industry is a core component of the broader Los Angeles economy and will continue to grow well into the near future.”

Over the past few years AMS and College of the Canyons (COC) have been in sync with the time, creating work-based college-level classroom instruction and a Logistics Apprentice Program with a Pre-Apprentice Program in the works.

What certification means to AMS and the Santa Clarita Valley community is that the educational, training and apprenticeship programs currently in effect at AMS can be continued and expanded into even more arenas benefiting job seekers and families in the community. Social Enterprise certification puts AMS in position to seek workforce development grants with specific targeted goals towards providing career opportunities to struggling job seekers within the community.

Congratulations to AMS, a trend-setting company that has known from day one that in the Logistics and Warehousing industry the employees are the greatest resource. Training, educating and promoting the people creates a more prosperous community and a more successful business, able to serve its clients more efficiently and contribute to their success.

Employee Appreciation - AMS FulfillmentCongratulations to AMS’ November 2017 Employees of the Month! We are very pleased to recognize Jordan K., Jocelyn G., Felipa Molina G., Marcela B., Serena C., Lucas H.

AMS Fulfillment employs several hundred people, in warehouse and HQ facilities located in Valencia, CA. Each month supervisors at our facilities nominate individuals who are doing an outstanding job for the clients. The months of November and December are especially busy for our company. This month the supervisors in our various facilities had a hard job nominating just one employee, as many did an exemplary job. With appreciation for all, six individuals were selected who went above and beyond.

It’s our pleasure to recognize the following Employees of the Month:

Jordan K., IT Manager – 06/19/2017
HQ Admin: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Jordan is a wonderful addition to the IT team. He is extremely knowledgeable, is an excellent listener and is always ready to help. He has a keen sense of urgency, which is great and exceptional. He is very thorough and will work on a problem until it is solved. He explains things in a non-technical way so a person can understand. He has a calm demeanor and is very friendly. I truly appreciate Jordan and believe that he is a terrific asset to AMS and to our IT Department.

Jocelyn G., Returns Clerk I – 09/07/2016
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

I have chosen Jocelyn to be employee of the month because since she got to work in the Returns Department in HQ she has demonstrated a good attitude in the functions entrusted in her and she shows great initiative to get her job done.” “I would like to nominate Jocelyn as employee of the month. She is an excellent worker, has 100% commitment to do the job correctly and in an efficient way. She is a great asset to the Returns team. She is always on time and willing to help out where needed. She has a great personality and is fun to be around. She is a shining star.

Felipa Molina G., Shipping Clerk I – 12/08/2003
IND1: 28220 Industry Drive

Felipa is a great worker! She is always on time and willing to stay overtime on short notice. Felipa does not have a problem with switching tasks at any given time. She knows all of the clients at IND1. She has a positive vibe and attitude all day, every day. Felipa is a great employee for AMS to have as part of their team.

Marcela B., General Warehouse II – 06/09/2014
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Marcela demonstrates she can work in all departments. She always helps everywhere with a great attitude.

Serena C., General Warehouse II – 11/10/2017
WIL1: 28936 Ave Williams

Serena is a seasonal AMS employee that just started with our team and became an expert with our SLU program and she is impressively fast and accurate. She is a strong team player for the fourth quarter with one of our busiest clients. Serena is always ready to learn new procedures with a positive attitude.

Lucas H., Inventory Clerk I – Forklift Driver – 11/24/2015
WIT2: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Lucas comes to work on time and ready to get the job done. He gives 100% whether it is in his own department, containers or helping others. His attendance, attention to detail and work ethic make his addition to WIT2 AMS so valuable. He always has a positive attitude that spreads across to other AMS team members. Lucas is always willing to help out others. He comes to work every day in a great mood and is always ready to work. He always has a positive attitude.

* * *

One might think that with multiple facilities it would be hard to notice individuals and their achievements, but in the fulfillment industry, employees are much more than human resources… they are the reason for a company’s success.

So it is with the spirit of family and the spirit of the holidays we offer a sincere Thank You! No matter which department or which task our outstanding employees are honored for, we know they are the reason that AMS succeeds so well and continues to grow.

social enterprise - AMS FulfillmentAMS Fulfillment is proud to announce that it has been granted certification from LA County as a Social Enterprise. This great news stems from AMS’ successful efforts to serve the community through workforce development. AMS is a privately owned corporation headquartered in Valencia, California.

What this certification means to AMS and the Santa Clarita Valley community is that the educational, training and apprenticeship programs currently in effect at AMS can be continued and extended into even more arenas benefiting job seekers and families in the community.

In its path towards the Social Enterprise achievement, AMS received recognition as a B-Corporation several months ago, based on years of building ground-breaking workforce development programs in cooperation with College of the Canyons. A successful social enterprise has the same goal as a B-Corp, which is to uphold a social mission while maximizing the productivity and sustainability of the business.

Plans are currently in effect to start a Pre-Apprentice Program which will serve job-seekers who may have had difficulty retaining employment due to life circumstances, such as single parenthood. There is an Apprentice Program currently taking place at AMS which is a first of its kind in the US. This program, as well as a number of educational programs, has set AMS apart and led to the Social Enterprise certification.

Ken Wiseman, CEO of AMS, had this to say about what the new certification will allow AMS to achieve: “At AMS, our most valuable resource is our people. The rewards of our getting people started in a successful career pays dividends to our community, our organization, our personnel, and ultimately to our customer. Achieving the Social Enterprise status will help us more formally obtain workforce development grants with specific targeted goals towards providing career opportunities to struggling job seekers within our community.”

Two months ago AMS celebrated having been granted B-Corporation status. It was natural for AMS to make the legal commitment to uphold the B-Corp standard, as the company has always done what a B-Corp does, which is care about more than just profit.

This is how AMS interprets our mission: “We work to create a principled corporate culture, recognizing that financial performance and growth are not goals unto themselves, but merely outcomes achievable through uncompromising attention to our customers, our organization, our community and ourselves.” The efforts we’ve made at supporting families and helping underemployed job-seekers in the community, educating and advancing employees and protecting the environment are a natural to us.

The article below expresses what we see as a changing climate in what the people, including ourselves, want of a corporation. Millions would like to see corporations committed to contributing to society, serving their clients and customers honestly and impeccably, protecting the environment, nurturing their employees and making financial profit.

This is a small portion of the referenced article with link to the full article below:

BlackRock’s Message: Contribute to Society, or Risk Losing Our Support

On Tuesday, the chief executives of the world’s largest public companies will be receiving a letter from one of the most influential investors in the world. And what it says is likely to cause a firestorm in the corner offices of companies everywhere and a debate over social responsibility that stretches from Wall Street to Washington.

Laurence D. Fink, founder and chief executive of the investment firm BlackRock, is going to inform business leaders that their companies need to do more than make profits — they need to contribute to society as well if they want to receive the support of BlackRock.

Mr. Fink has the clout to make this kind of demand: His firm manages more than $6 trillion in investments through 401(k) plans, exchange-traded funds and mutual funds, making it the largest investor in the world, and he has an outsize influence on whether directors are voted on and off boards.

“Society is demanding that companies, both public and private, serve a social purpose,” he wrote in a draft of the letter that was shared with me. “To prosper over time, every company must not only deliver financial performance, but also show how it makes a positive contribution to society.” READ MORE

As an employer in Santa Clarita Valley, AMS has long been committed to hiring individuals with disabilities. Employees and management at AMS know how rewarding it is to work in a diverse environment that includes individuals with disabilities – it is a win-win for all.

After years of steering AMS’s socially aware hiring practices, CEO Ken Wiseman was honored to be selected as Chair (amidst a group of other professionals passionate about the committee’s mission) of the Mayor’s Committee for Employment of Individuals with Disabilities. This nonprofit organization helps local businesses increase their efforts to hire individuals with disabilities.

Coming up soon is an annual event that the Mayor’s Committee has been planning for months; the second annual Educate-Empower-Employ Recognition Luncheon and fundraiser at College of the Canyons. The date is February 22nd, and the time is noon. The meal will be a gourmet luncheon created by students of Culinary Education at the College of the Canyon’s Institute of Culinary Education Facility, located at 26455 Rockwell Canyon Road, Valencia 91355.

We encourage businesses in the SCV community to join with AMS and attend this worthwhile and enjoyable event. The Committee’s invitation is extended to senior-level executives, employment professionals and other professionals who provide training and job placement for individuals with disabilities. Companies that hire individuals with disabilities will be recognized at the event and sponsors will also receive recognition.

Funds raised from the luncheon will be used by the Mayor’s Committee in its ongoing work, which ultimately aims to increase the number of individuals with disabilities in the local workforce.

We hope to see you there!!

To RSVP or for more information, please e-mail the Event Chair, Kathleen Secchi at [email protected].

Community Support - AMS FulfillmentWith a fundraising gala coming up soon in February, it’s time to shine a light on a very special SCV organization and friend of AMS, Single Mothers Outreach (SMO). SMO directly helps single parents find jobs, get educated, secure housing, stabilize their children’s emotional states, manage their finances, and help one another.

For several years AMS has invited its clients to donate their overstock and/or gently used returns to Single Mothers Outreach, with AMS providing the fulfillment services at no charge. By working together with their generous clients, AMS has been able to put clothing, shoes, toys, small appliances and products of all sorts and kinds into the hands of individuals and families in need of help. Most of the donations go to the organization’s boutique, Closet on Main, as this business is vital in SMO’s work.

In addition to providing emergency stabilization for families that are in danger of losing everything, SMO refers clients to emergency housing, provides school supplies, and connects parents struggling with basic living skills with critical social service resources.

Single Mothers Outreach also helps their clients find a good job and develop the life skills they will need to raise their children. It is one of the organizations preparing to match candidates with a new and innovative program being developed by AMS and COC, the Pre-Apprentice Program. This program is focused on individuals who are struggling to gain and maintain employment.

On February 10, AMS CEO Ken Wiseman, and Executive VP of Client Services Betty-Lou Wiseman, will be attending an upcoming fundraising event for SMO, the Empowering Hearts Gala. AMS encourages others to join them in support of an organization doing great work within the SCV Community.

Ken & Betty-Lou Wiseman - AMS Fulfillment

Among the achievements of AMS over the past year we find a groundbreaking apprenticeship program, extensive safety training, free employee education, public acclaim as the #1 family-owned business, AMS employees contributing to the LA Cancer Challenge, AMS honoring veterans and working with the Veteran Services Collaborative, employees joining with the SCV Sherriff’s Department in holiday giving, and the crowning achievement of AMS being granted B Corporation status.

We invite you to review the year with us through the following selections from the AMS Fulfillment blog.

February 17, 2017 – AMS and COC Creating ‘Great Opportunity’: SCV College of the Canyons (COC) announced their partnership program with AMS in which 13 apprenticeships in warehousing and shipping would be offered. This innovative Logistics program is the first of its kind in the United States to be launched. Fifty top educators from around the state attended a conference at COC in order to discuss how community colleges can provide customized training for local companies, which concluded with a tour of the AMS education facility and a review of the AMS Learning Center educational activities. Continue reading…

March 7, 2017 – AMS Begins Companywide Safety Training: While the AMS Safety Committee has served the company well, management made the decision to train every employee on the standard of cleanliness and safety awareness that all employees should have when working in the warehouse. The US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards are used as a foundation for this training. Continue reading…

May 2, 2017 – Hazmat Safety Training Begins at AMS: AMS has begun hazmat safety training in order to make employees familiar with DOT regulations for shippers, transporters and manufacturers. Although contact with hazardous materials is unlikely, for the protection, safety and security of AMS employees and the public, this function-specific training for the AMS warehouse employees is taking place. Continue reading…

June 17, 2017 – Congratulations to AMS’ ESL Graduates: Among the courses offered at the AMS education facility, in collaboration with COC, is English as a Second Language (ESL 1). May 2017 is the one-year anniversary of the first ESL course. By studying English through a respected school, without having to leave the workplace, employees are more able to write and respond to emails, letters and so on, and possibly pursue more skilled positions at AMS or elsewhere. Continue reading…

August 14, 2017 – AMS Ranked #1 Family-Owned Business: The Santa Clarita Business Journal ranked AMS the #1 family-owned business in Santa Clarita. Santa Clarita is the 3rd largest city in Los Angeles County, with Los Angeles and Long Beach coming in as one and two. At AMS we are very proud to employ more than 300 individuals, and grateful to the Journal for the ranking as #1. Continue reading…

October 16, 2017 – AMS Employees take the LA Cancer Challenge: For several years AMS has opened their facility on the weekends to provide space for LA Cancer Challenge volunteers to package gift bags. This year AMS employees took contributing to an even greater level, volunteering to come in an hour early and stay an hour late as their donation to the cancer challenge. In addition to building the gift bags, AMS management and a number of employees bring their families to take part in the 5K, 10K and 15K runs. Continue reading…

November 1, 2017 – AMS Conducts Bi-Annual Earthquake Drill: All AMS employees across the campus of warehouses participate in the Great California ShakeOut earthquake drill. As part of an extensive safety training program, covering a number of areas, AMS conducts earthquake drills twice a year. Earthquake safety training is part of AMS’ ongoing focus on safety, which is year-round and includes classes on appropriate safety regulations in warehouses. Continue reading…

November 15, 2017 – AMS: Honoring and Supporting our Veterans: During the Veteran’s Day weekend AMS joined millions of Americans in honoring those who have served or are serving in the US Military. At the same time we realize that there is much more to be done to assist veterans and active duty individuals who have need of employment, housing and healthcare. To that end AMS has been working with the Santa Clarita Veteran Services Collaborative. Continue reading…

December 22, 2017 – AMS Enjoys Holiday Giving Traditions: In supporting local families during the holidays, AMS works in conjunction with the SCV Sheriff’s Department. AMS employees meet with selected families at the Youth Center in a joyful celebration for all – one of the favorite events shared by the AMS corporate family. Deputy Brian Rooney oversees the YAL Community Program with the Val Verde community, and he selects the families and presents AMS with ‘Santa’s list’. Continue reading…

December 16, 2017 – We’re Celebrating!! AMS Achieves B-Corp Status!: AMS Fulfillment has been granted B-Corporation status. For this we can thank the ownership, management and employees, as corporate responsibility has always been a unified effort at AMS. A B-Corporation (B-Corp) is a legal status that mandates considerations other than just profit. AMS has joined with thousands of other B-Corporations in a commitment to making socially and environmentally responsible decisions. Continue reading…