DE&I: Being the Change We Wish to See

In our B Corporation blogs we often talk about a policy called DE&I (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) being practiced at AMS Fulfillment and at many other companies. We are proud of, and happy to be a part of repairing past wrongs by practicing DE&I in hiring and promotion.

During the month of February the American people are encouraged to learn more of the unknown, untaught history of the United States… that of the descendants of enslaved African men, women and children. We undertake this learning of history grateful in the knowledge that past exploitation of human beings based upon race is something we can repair in the present day when we decide to Be the Change.

In 2021 we saw a very rewarding moment when beachfront land stolen from the Black family that owned it 100 years ago was returned to the descendants of the owners. NBC News covered the event as follows:

“With the flick of a pen Thursday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom codified the return of prime beachfront property in Southern California to the descendants of a Black couple who were stripped of their land and driven out by the Ku Klux Klan nearly 100 years ago. California lawmakers this month unanimously passed a law to allow the return of what was once a thriving coastal resort that catered to Black residents when racial segregation barred them from many beaches.”

Bruce’s Beach was purchased in 1912 by Willa and Charles Bruce. They built a lodge, a cafe, a dance hall and dressing tents with bathing suits for rent until their land and their livelihood was taken from them. This month we celebrate the fact that this injustice was repaired, and we encourage all stolen land to be returned. The Bruce family is not the only family from whom land was stolen. Readers can learn more at where is my land dot org.

DE&I is intended to repair the past wrongs brought about by prejudice and discrimination. We see thousands of companies adopting DE&I in the decisions they make every day, creating a better world in which divisive prejudices have been put aside. Diversity is our commitment to hire individuals that represent the community in which we live. Equity is our commitment to be just and equal in benefits and promotions, and Inclusion promises that we exclude no one based on race, ethnicity and identity.

AMS has a dedicated team of DE&I Champions who meet monthly to advocate for their working location, discuss opportunities for change, celebrate differences, and reinforce AMS’ DE&I standards and expectations; to help every employee to show up each day without fear of being their true selves. This fosters higher degrees of engagement, productivity, and innovation that contribute to decisions, increased shareholder returns, and employee loyalty.

Black History Month offers us the opportunity to learn more about what was done in the past in order to better be able to repair the wrongs and create the world that we would all like to see. We encourage all businesses to Be the Change and engage in creating a just world.



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